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Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ
(26-03-2023, 10:52 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: She also calls gay parents 'groomers', claims gender reassignment is a form of rape,  and openly says trans people shouldn't have the same rights as other genders. She claims to speak for women, without ever really consulting with us, claims not to be a feminist but espouses a very retro feminist viewpoint, and does nothing but denigrate and undermine those who stand against her.

Lots of us have challenges with some areas in the gender debate, we don't feel it necessary to go on world tours, abusing the vulnerable and making ourselves the centre of attention. She's trying to do a Germaine Greer but lacks the wit, intelligence, and political nous.

Did you not hear the clip where she challenged our PM? She is disrespectful and antagonistic. And just like all bullies when confronted by her victims standing up for themselves she cuts and runs screaming about her own assumed victimhood. Cowardly egotistical behaviour.

This person is all about herself. She has found a vehicle to grandstand on, to enlarge herself. She's not about women, she is all about fame and fortune and has no intention to bring positivity to her very own carefully constructed pity party. Preferably set in the mid 50s...

(26-03-2023, 09:28 AM)C_T_Russell Wrote: That Wikipedia article doesn't really provide alot of info about her other than saying she opposes legislation that gives transgender woman the same rights as real woman.
Seems her messages of hate speech is simply using the dictionary definition of the word woman.
Perhaps this is why the census is asking all these gender related questions? Might mean we see transgender toilets.
Statements like "only women can get periods or pregnant" should be protected or else it will end up becoming hate speech like it did in Norway.
Funny how gay conversion therapy is now banned but totally legal now for a doctor to cut somebody up and mess around. The irony.
What's wrong with that? Alot!
I'm not suggesting surgery can't be done in cases where children are born with 2 sexes as discussed earlier in this thread.
There are obvious exceptions when biologically there are things at play at birth. That's not what we are talking about here, that's a completely different matter.

Is it a completely different matter though? Or is it part of the entire issue?

The point being who are we to decide whether someone should be male or female and nothing else? That is a lifetime decision, don't you think we should leave that to the individual who has to live that life, and not force our choice on them?

I put that in the same basket as sterilising, isolating, or incarcerating those with differences. It is as evil as enslaving on the basis of race. In the 21st century we should know better.

I didnt see the clip of her challenging the PM.
Why should trans people have the same rights as other genders?
A man doesnt have the same rights as a woman, and vice versa, trans people have their own rights.
That means trans women dont have the right to compete against real women, thats one such example.
They have the right to be respected, but that doesnt grant them any automatic rights that a biological female has.
We are seeing womans rights being removed for example in Norway to say only woman can be mothers is now considered hate speech, how is that OK?

I am 100% about protecting womans rights, and we are slowly seeing them being taken away, where will this end if we keep giving into this? Think another 20 years down the road. Its impossible to give a guy womans rights.
A line needs to be drawn and I think it would be more beneficial if both sides actually sit down and debate this together, because ethically, biologically and scientifically there are barriers.

It also appears its no longer treated as a mental health issue.
Obviously in extreme cases, reassignment surgery may be necessary if it helps their mental health.
I know someone who inflicted self harm because of this it took this person many years to actually decide whether or not surgery was the right choice, it should only be a last resort. All the hormone treatment has huge health implications too. Lets not forget that.

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RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - by C_T_Russell - 26-03-2023, 11:18 AM

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