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Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ
Until a week ago I didn't know who she was and I would say most here wouldn't either. I don't particularly agree with what she has to say.

However what occured on Saturday was quite shameful. Some here have said it was "people power" - that would have been the case had they simply drowned out what she was saying making her abandon her talk. What we actually saw was mob rule - where threats of violence and violence itself was used to stop someone speaking.

Those who truly believe in free speech here should recognise the difference and actually support her right to say what she wanted to say. We may not like the message but in a society that values free speech we should never allow the mob to determine what is said.

Back in the late 70s the ACLU successfully campaigned to allow a group of neo nazis to gather and proclaim their message. They did not agree with that message but defended their right to say it.

I wonder if they would do the same today?

(26-03-2023, 02:44 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: The reason trans should have the same rights as women, or men is simply the fact they are all human.

Ordo you disagree with that?

The Parker/PM clip you missed...

And I do not believe this woman is trying to take away their human rights.

In this present world I, as a male, could walk into a women's toilet and use it.  If anyone objected I could simply say the I identify as a woman.  Recently we have a rapist say he identified as a woman so he could be sent to a women's prison.

One aspect I absolutely disagree with is Trans Women being allowed to enter women's sport.  Laurel Hubbard is the perfect example- a decidedly average male weightlifter who transitioned and then went on to be a top female weightlifter.

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RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - by Wainuiguy - 26-03-2023, 03:27 PM

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