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Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ
(27-03-2023, 08:25 AM)Wainuiguy Wrote:
(27-03-2023, 08:00 AM)king1 Wrote: Well that was enlightening - New Zealand it seems

Appears she was born in Columbia - or did I read that wrong?  And has only been in NZ for 8 years.  I think I have shoes that have been in in NZ longer.

(27-03-2023, 07:52 AM)king1 Wrote: They just want acceptance here in NZ, I don't think they are trying to change the world, unlike Ms Parker.
Eliana Rubashkyn is probably an exception given it's her job...

So Trans Activists only want change in NZ?  If you asked them you think that is what they would say?

Not what I said...

But I am sure they'd want worldwide acceptance, though being sensible people they probably know such change is best started at home. Leading by example, one might say...

Btw, does having good manners matter whether a visitor is here by invitation or of their own free will?

(27-03-2023, 08:00 AM)king1 Wrote:
(27-03-2023, 07:45 AM)Wainuiguy Wrote: You may want to check where the protester who threw the tomato juice was from.
Well that was enlightening - New Zealand it seems
We have lots of citizens from elsewhere, so many in fact those of us blessed to have been  born and bred here will soon be another minority.

She has at least demonstrated her intention to commit to this country, and hasn't cut and run the moment her position was aggressively challenged, unlike the Posey visitor.

Isn't it wonderful too how tomato juice washes out leaving no trace, unlike hurtful language, that can leave scars that last for years...

Big Grin

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RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - by Oh_hunnihunni - 27-03-2023, 08:36 AM

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