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Florida approves climate denial videos as part of school curriculum
(25-09-2023, 09:59 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote: Well if these kids are smart enough they should figure it out on their own.
Either way, mankind is a blip on the earths history. The earth has frozen and melted heaps of times over millions of years.

Kid's minds are very impressionable by way of the information they are exposed to, as are some adults it would seem.

Sure our planet's environment has changed markedly over the millennia and the period during which humans have been part of the biosphere. The issue is that we have evolved to become a highly dominant species that has gained the ability to change the environment we are part of and unless we desist in our destructive ways our very survival will be under threat.

Here in New Zealand we enjoy an extremely benign climatic zone which acts not only as a buffer before weather events become life threatening but also as a blindfold to those who are in denial of the effects of climatic change. The destructive effects of changing climatic zones will (or already are) eroding the buffer we enjoy and it is up to every one of us to do what we can to mitigate the harm we are inflicting on our environment. To deny that including laying blame on others is a falsity which shows a lack of personal responsibility for our actions.

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RE: Florida approves climate denial videos as part of school curriculum - by harm_less - 26-09-2023, 10:13 AM

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