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Protesters being moved
i dont buy it.
we all heard online how the antivaxxers and antimaskers, anti mandaters spoke prior to all this.
they were bullying, threatening, unhinged. if it were the same ones at the protest that have been all over facebook last few months then there was no peace and love and warm fuzzies.
the way the antis have approached this whole covid ordeal is sickening, and frankly im fucken tired of it.

peaceful, horseshit. seditious quislings and traitors, they came with menace and never left.
now they want to sanitise it? i call bullshit on 'there were a few good ones', anyone who stayed there was a criminal who willingly and knowingly watched some of the nastiest shit weve ever seen and stayed for more.
the bottom 5% of the barrel, i expected nothing less.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
(04-03-2022, 08:50 PM)Magoo Wrote: i dont buy it.
we all heard online how the antivaxxers and antimaskers, anti mandaters spoke prior to all this.
they were bullying, threatening, unhinged. if it were the same ones at the protest that have been all over facebook last few months then there was no peace and love and warm fuzzies.
the way the antis have approached this whole covid ordeal is sickening, and frankly im fucken tired of it.

peaceful, horseshit. seditious quislings and traitors, they came with menace and never left.
now they want to sanitise it? i call bullshit on 'there were a few good ones', anyone who stayed there was a criminal who willingly and knowingly watched some of the nastiest shit weve ever seen and stayed for more.
the bottom 5% of the barrel, i expected nothing less.
When you been around the block as many times as this kid you unlearn it always comes down to the individual.
Generalisations are a misnomer. Why should peaceful 
protesters have to go because of an unsavoury lot and
not be able to make their stand ?
No one sitting in the comfort of their lazyboy is qualified 
to say what exactly went on, who was doing what good or bad, only those that were there. Sounds like CT was ?

The media should not have accepted the 50 million from
the government, sheer conflict of interest.
TV One news the biggest joke of them all being state
owned, Hitler would be proud.
generalisations have to made when individuals act as a group.
i dont need media interpretation, my own eyes watched this shit unfold over the last month.
i watched as the maggots destroyed sidewalks for ammunition, as they tore up our parliament grounds, disrespected our veterans, abused children and citizens peacefully going about their business. caused thousands of dollars of damage.

now i hear 'it wasnt us' 'it was ANTIFA, it was outsiders', it was ummmm someone else.
those are lies from known liars. theyve lied all the ay through this, why stop now? parasites.
no it wasnt anyone else it was the occupiers pure and simple. no one else to blame shift. no one to point the finger at, just the protest, just the protesters.
it reminds of the Capitol riot in the usa.
all bluster and aggression, now trying to white wash it. losers. saying they were 'caught up in something' or 'they brainwashed me', wheres all your no guts no glory rhetoric now?

i may have been around the block a time or two myself and i know a line of bullshit when i see it.
i dont have to attend an event to see when im getting a live unadulterated, unbroken feed from the site.
no spin, just audio and a live feed. now you want to tell me i saw something else. i think not.

i saw nothing that day they was any different to what we knew was going to happen, from the 'convoy' to the occupation to the riot, boringly predictable all of it. it followed the same tone the ignorant arrogant morons have used all along. unhinged, weirdo theories and uneducated unscientific nonsense. the dumbest 5%, all in one place.

no, CT has gone down the rabbit hole, he is just as bad a liar as the rest of the anti's.
be better if they stayed with the rest of the arsehole academy at NZI where they fit in nicely.

Quote:mike wrote
'Hitler would be proud.'
that remark is so far off trajectory i was surprised to read it.

not only that but a blatant nod to Godwins Law and all that it entails, which are generalisations.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
Now there is a "Freedom Convoy" heading towards Washington DC. Sounds exactly like the Ottowa and Wellington ones. It's an evil franchise contaminating the word "Freedom" and pulling in the ignorant.
Although it makes no inroads into their current worldview, it is important that these alt individuals get pushback from the silent majority. The claim that they speak for New Zealanders has to be rejected, loudly and clearly. They are a small minority, and need to understand that old cliche that points out the tail does not wag the dog applies to them.
(05-03-2022, 06:02 AM)Magoo Wrote: generalisations have to made when individuals act as a group.
i dont need media interpretation, my own eyes watched this shit unfold over the last month.
i watched as the maggots destroyed sidewalks for ammunition, as they tore up our parliament grounds, disrespected our veterans, abused children and citizens peacefully going about their business. caused thousands of dollars of damage.

now i hear 'it wasnt us' 'it was ANTIFA, it was outsiders', it was ummmm someone else.
those are lies from known liars. theyve lied all the ay through this, why stop now? parasites.
no it wasnt anyone else it was the occupiers pure and simple. no one else to blame shift. no one to point the finger at, just the protest, just the protesters.
it reminds of the Capitol riot in the usa.
all bluster and aggression, now trying to white wash it. losers. saying they were 'caught up in something' or 'they brainwashed me', wheres all your no guts no glory rhetoric now?

i may have been around the block a time or two myself and i know a line of bullshit when i see it.
i dont have to attend an event to see when im getting a live unadulterated, unbroken feed from the site.
no spin, just audio and a live feed. now you want to tell me i saw something else. i think not.

i saw nothing that day they was any different to what we knew was going to happen, from the 'convoy' to the occupation to the riot, boringly predictable all of it. it followed the same tone the ignorant arrogant morons have used all along. unhinged, weirdo theories and uneducated unscientific nonsense. the dumbest 5%, all in one place.

no, CT has gone down the rabbit hole, he is just as bad a liar as the rest of the anti's.
be better if they stayed with the rest of the arsehole academy at NZI where they fit in nicely.

Quote:mike wrote
'Hitler would be proud.'
that remark is so far off trajectory i was surprised to read it.

not only that but a blatant nod to Godwins Law and all that it entails, which are generalisations.
Point I was making is don't tar every single person that was there with the same brush, even if there was only one peaceful protester there it is unfair to them. The use of the word some, or majority etc goes along way.

I have seen news on TV1 over the years that pertains to the government that is skimmed over, no depth. For one when it became public knowledge and shocked the nation that Judy Bailey was on $700,000 a year for reading the news. (She even read it out herself)

The Hitler remark is just giving empathises that if we are not careful we run down the propaganda route.
it will have to be spelled out, they arent finished.
the mandates have finished pretty much, but it was never about mandates was it?

they have no respect, no mana and no voice
just warts on the arse of society
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
The day we're afraid to protest is the day we can kiss our democracy good bye.

That said, the point is that those who were not nazis, not alt right, not CTer's, not hellbent on destruction & violence, not threatening to hang people, not racist, not abusing schoolkids & others wearing masks should have immediately removed themselves once it became clear that those elements were trying to destroy the protest from within.

Because whether or not that was their intent, that has been the outcome - they are responsible for the disdain & contempt with which those protesters are now viewed; those who made threats, abused people wearing masks & all the other really nasty stuff have ensured that all are seen in that light.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(05-03-2022, 10:13 AM)mike Wrote:
(05-03-2022, 06:02 AM)Magoo Wrote: generalisations have to made when individuals act as a group.
i dont need media interpretation, my own eyes watched this shit unfold over the last month.
i watched as the maggots destroyed sidewalks for ammunition, as they tore up our parliament grounds, disrespected our veterans, abused children and citizens peacefully going about their business. caused thousands of dollars of damage.

now i hear 'it wasnt us' 'it was ANTIFA, it was outsiders', it was ummmm someone else.
those are lies from known liars. theyve lied all the ay through this, why stop now? parasites.
no it wasnt anyone else it was the occupiers pure and simple. no one else to blame shift. no one to point the finger at, just the protest, just the protesters.
it reminds of the Capitol riot in the usa.
all bluster and aggression, now trying to white wash it. losers. saying they were 'caught up in something' or 'they brainwashed me', wheres all your no guts no glory rhetoric now?

i may have been around the block a time or two myself and i know a line of bullshit when i see it.
i dont have to attend an event to see when im getting a live unadulterated, unbroken feed from the site.
no spin, just audio and a live feed. now you want to tell me i saw something else. i think not.

i saw nothing that day they was any different to what we knew was going to happen, from the 'convoy' to the occupation to the riot, boringly predictable all of it. it followed the same tone the ignorant arrogant morons have used all along. unhinged, weirdo theories and uneducated unscientific nonsense. the dumbest 5%, all in one place.

no, CT has gone down the rabbit hole, he is just as bad a liar as the rest of the anti's.
be better if they stayed with the rest of the arsehole academy at NZI where they fit in nicely.

that remark is so far off trajectory i was surprised to read it.

not only that but a blatant nod to Godwins Law and all that it entails, which are generalisations.
Point I was making is don't tar every single person that was there with the same brush, even if there was only one peaceful protester there it is unfair to them. The use of the word some, or majority etc goes along way.

I have seen news on TV1 over the years that pertains to the government that is skimmed over, no depth. For one when it became public knowledge and shocked the nation that Judy Bailey was on $700,000 a year for reading the news. (She even read it out herself)

The Hitler remark is just giving empathises that if we are not careful we run down the propaganda route.
i will absolutely tar every single one of the antisocial bastards with the same brush.
they will all be judged by the company they keep.
the minute anyone remained after being trespassed they became complicit and active in the protest, regardless of your unicorns shitting rainbows and flower people everywhere, each and every one of them should be charged in a court of law.
excuse making weaklings who cannot take the responsibility of their actions. they have to blame someone else.
foot stamping needle scared crybabys have an answer for every bit of bad behaviour, every single piece of it has an excuse. incredible.
dont be sucked in by liars and excuse makers.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
(05-03-2022, 10:13 AM)mike Wrote: Point I was making is don't tar every single person that was there with the same brush, even if there was only one peaceful protester there it is unfair to them. The use of the word some, or majority etc goes along way.

I have seen news on TV1 over the years that pertains to the government that is skimmed over, no depth. For one when it became public knowledge and shocked the nation that Judy Bailey was on $700,000 a year for reading the news. (She even read it out herself)

The Hitler remark is just giving empathises that if we are not careful we run down the propaganda route.
it's laughable (probably outright insulting to some) to even compare NZ to Hitler and nazi germany - in any respect... 

The government does a good turn by creating a fund for media, and suddenly that is a slippery slope to fascism? which seems to be your implication.  Most rational people would consider it a government doing its duty to prop up or reinvigorate a declining industry.

Most rational people would also just change the channel or turn off the tele if they found the newsworthiness of the broadcast wanting -  not jump up and down with claims of conspiracy and propaganda, just because they glossed over someone's salary... 

I mean FFS surely you appreciate that you are not going to get a less biased POV in the alternative media where there is no fact checking, and ulterior motives everywhere...  

and yes if you are the lone solitary peaceful protester amongst the CT rabble, you are tarred with the same brush.  It would be all too easy to lie your way out of it by claiming so if society had not learned over millennia that people can lie and change their story pretty quick when confronted...
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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(05-03-2022, 10:24 AM)Lilith7 Wrote: The day we're afraid to protest is the day we can kiss our democracy good bye.

That said, the point is that those who were not nazis, not alt right, not CTer's, not hellbent on destruction & violence, not threatening to hang people, not racist, not abusing schoolkids & others wearing masks should have immediately removed themselves once it became clear that those elements were trying to destroy the protest from within.

Because whether or not that was their intent, that has been the outcome - they are responsible for the disdain & contempt with which those protesters are now viewed; those who made threats, abused people wearing masks & all the other really nasty stuff have ensured that all are seen in that light.
the minute we bow to the unelected minority making policy democracy is lost.
bringing a tent to a protest tells me its not a protest. and to call it protesting is a misnomer.
it was civil unrest at its best, and downright traitorous at worst.

so our right to protest remains sacred and intact.
shame our laws arent.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
(05-03-2022, 10:32 AM)Magoo Wrote:
(05-03-2022, 10:24 AM)Lilith7 Wrote: The day we're afraid to protest is the day we can kiss our democracy good bye.

That said, the point is that those who were not nazis, not alt right, not CTer's, not hellbent on destruction & violence, not threatening to hang people, not racist, not abusing schoolkids & others wearing masks should have immediately removed themselves once it became clear that those elements were trying to destroy the protest from within.

Because whether or not that was their intent, that has been the outcome - they are responsible for the disdain & contempt with which those protesters are now viewed; those who made threats, abused people wearing masks & all the other really nasty stuff have ensured that all are seen in that light.
the minute we bow to the unelected minority making policy democracy is lost.
bringing a tent to a protest tells me its not a protest. and to call it protesting is a misnomer.
it was civil unrest at its best, and downright traitorous at worst.

so our right to protest remains sacred and intact.
shame our laws arent.
although "downright traitorous" does have the implication of what 'they' are accusing society of becoming ie. slippery slope, taken out the back and being shot for protesting... 
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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I was expecting to see Brian Tamaki's so called freedom protesters fighting in the aftermath, but after stirring everyone up and spouting off crap for 3 weeks as soon as the cops started their push you didnt see the gutless bastards for dust. I hope there is a full inquiry and its not complicated by bullshit but gets to the point of arresting and getting compensation from all the so called leaders of this (non) protest.
Despite the high cost of living it remains popular
what they did = not protesting
invoking politicians death by hanging = traitorous
encouraging others to do same = traitorous
formenting unrest for political gain = traitorous.

no one need be taken out the back and shot
we will try them in a court of law
then bring them out the front and shoot them
fairs fair.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
It wasn't just a protest though. A protest is a march, a few placards, a bit of shouting, then we all go home, point expressed.

That debacle was something else entirely. When uninvolved people feel ongoing fear from an action it is more rightfully termed terrorism, imo.
I'm just reading about the first protest Sonja Davies took part in; to try to keep the rail link near Murchison from being torn up. Groups of people, mostly women made a roster so several people were always there sitting on the railway tracks.
They were far more organised, (& apart from a transport & a bus firm, had virtually the whole province of Nelson behind them) & although they weren't successful, theirs was a very orderly & friendly protest, with the railway workers pretending to try to shift them & then having cups of tea afterwards.

This protest was also very different to the Springboks tour protest here.
There was an underlying nastiness from some of the groups within this protest towards some of the public, something I can't recall happening earlier.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
And now, some protesters have turned up at govt house. That grass looks a bit dry in one of those images - they might need to turn the sprinklers on.Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(07-03-2022, 10:34 AM)Lilith7 Wrote: And now, some protesters have turned up at govt house. That grass looks a bit dry in one of those images - they might need to turn the sprinklers on.Smile
Where is Mallard when you need him lol
Despite the high cost of living it remains popular
lovely gardens up at ghouse.
they will quickly replace them with plywood shithouses.
the uninstallation of public property is their specialty.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
This shows you what quality protesters we have here in New Zealand 

Two people are due in court after allegedly being caught inside the perimeter of Government House in Wellington.
While the alleged breach on Sunday afternoon happened around the same time as an anti-mandate protest at the gates of Government House, police said the two incidents appeared to be unrelated.
A 23-year-old woman was charged with being unlawfully in an enclosed yard, shoplifting and assaulting police. A 25-year-old man was arrested with an outstanding warrant to arrest.
Despite the high cost of living it remains popular

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