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What are you thankful for today??
Today I am thankful for...

My bro and SIL who are coming down to see me tomorrow, as I won't see them on Christmas Day.

Being cosy and warm inside, while it's breezy and rainy outside.

Getting all my Christmas shopping done. Sjoe

My girl Mollie the kitty. Such sweetness and unconditional love

The girls and boys of TMMB, who keep me company.
Be the kind of woman, that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the devil goes "oh crap, she's up".
I'm thankful I don't have to go out in the wild weather - its still pissing down - but still wishing it would clear up, because I can't go anywhere or do any garden stuff till it does.
And that bloody back lawn has grown at least an inch since yesterday, dammit.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Well, finally it stopped bloody raining! Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I'm beyond thankful for my friend's understanding and forgiveness.

I was super tired and read a text she'd sent as telling me she was no longer interested in helping me with something new that I'm working on, rudely. And I sent her a really mean reply before I went to bed.

She was baffled and hurt. She even thought I wanted to end our friendship. The next day, after I realized I'd got it wrong (she was really telling herself not to be bossy and to STFU in full and in capitals), I sent her a contrite and apologetic reply and explained the situation and told her how much I appreciated her and her help, and that she was far from being bossy, and suggested we have a catch up soon.

I got a thumbs up and a rosy smiley face in return. I appreciate her even more, now!
Autumn comes
(16-12-2021, 05:38 PM)an amniote Wrote: I'm beyond thankful for my friend's understanding and forgiveness.

I was super tired and read a text she'd sent as telling me she was no longer interested in helping me with something new that I'm working on, rudely. And I sent her a really mean reply before I went to bed.

She was baffled and hurt. She even thought I wanted to end our friendship. The next day, after I realized I'd got it wrong (she was really telling herself not to be bossy and to STFU in full and in capitals), I sent her a contrite and apologetic reply and explained the situation and told her how much I appreciated her and her help, and that she was far from being bossy, and suggested we have a catch up soon.

I got a thumbs up and a rosy smiley face in return. I appreciate her even more, now!
That's lovely - its always hard to lose good friends. Wink
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(16-12-2021, 05:49 PM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(16-12-2021, 05:38 PM)an amniote Wrote: I'm beyond thankful for my friend's understanding and forgiveness.

I was super tired and read a text she'd sent as telling me she was no longer interested in helping me with something new that I'm working on, rudely. And I sent her a really mean reply before I went to bed.

She was baffled and hurt. She even thought I wanted to end our friendship. The next day, after I realized I'd got it wrong (she was really telling herself not to be bossy and to STFU in full and in capitals), I sent her a contrite and apologetic reply and explained the situation and told her how much I appreciated her and her help, and that she was far from being bossy, and suggested we have a catch up soon.

I got a thumbs up and a rosy smiley face in return. I appreciate her even more, now!
That's lovely - its always hard to lose good friends. Wink
I'm reserved and don't get out much and find it hard to make friends, and we've only really known each other for a few months. I'm so lucky to have her in my life and will probably cry when I next see her!
Autumn comes
(16-12-2021, 06:01 PM)an amniote Wrote:
(16-12-2021, 05:49 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: That's lovely - its always hard to lose good friends. Wink
I'm reserved and don't get out much and find it hard to make friends, and we've only really known each other for a few months. I'm so lucky to have her in my life and will probably cry when I next see her!
I do too - luckily for me, I have two long term friends. Wink
The only thing is they both live in other parts of the country, so although we keep in touch, we don't often see each other.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Many many arguments have been had, over bloody text messages. I hate texting with a passion, and refuse to partake. There is no meaning or heart in just words. Immediately add a face to the exact same words, and you have a whole new meaning.

If she is a good friend, she will forgive and forget this. It's important I think, that we want 'real' people to be in our lives. We are all human, and we make mistakes.

I find it hard to make friends too. Probably more because I'm retired now, so not out in the community like I used to be. I think that friendships are just like relationships of the boy/girl variety. We have to nurture it, and let it grow and blossom.

Enjoy getting to know your new friend, and allow her to 'see' you. What a blessing that you have found each other.Smile

PS, sorry, I didn't mean to make this post a story.Smile
Be the kind of woman, that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the devil goes "oh crap, she's up".
(16-12-2021, 06:15 PM)crafters_corner Wrote: Many many arguments have been had, over bloody text messages. I hate texting with a passion, and refuse to partake. There is no meaning or heart in just words. Immediately add a face to the exact same words, and you have a whole new meaning.

If she is a good friend, she will forgive and forget this. It's important I think, that we want 'real' people to be in our lives. We are all human, and we make mistakes.

I find it hard to make friends too. Probably more because I'm retired now, so not out in the community like I used to be. I think that friendships are just like relationships of the boy/girl variety. We have to nurture it, and let it grow and blossom.

Enjoy getting to know your new friend, and allow her to 'see' you. What a blessing that you have found each other.Smile

PS, sorry, I didn't mean to make this post a story.Smile
Yes, the thing about the written word is that sometimes, without the benefit of facial expression & tone of voice, they can be misunderstood. Wink
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(16-12-2021, 06:06 PM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(16-12-2021, 06:01 PM)an amniote Wrote: I'm reserved and don't get out much and find it hard to make friends, and we've only really known each other for a few months. I'm so lucky to have her in my life and will probably cry when I next see her!
I do too - luckily for me, I have two long term friends. Wink
The only thing is they both live in other parts of the country, so although we keep in touch, we don't often see each other.
My longest term friend lives in Auckland, which feels like a world away from where I live. We don't keep in regular touch but when we do our phone conversations last for hours.
Autumn comes
(16-12-2021, 06:19 PM)an amniote Wrote:
(16-12-2021, 06:06 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: I do too - luckily for me, I have two long term friends. Wink
The only thing is they both live in other parts of the country, so although we keep in touch, we don't often see each other.
My longest term friend lives in Auckland, which feels like a world away from where I live. We don't keep in regular touch but when we do our phone conversations last for hours.
My oldest friend lives just out of Welly & the other's down south, but keeping in touch is easier now than writing letters as we did for years.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(16-12-2021, 06:21 PM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(16-12-2021, 06:19 PM)an amniote Wrote: My longest term friend lives in Auckland, which feels like a world away from where I live. We don't keep in regular touch but when we do our phone conversations last for hours.
My oldest friend lives just out of Welly & the other's down south, but keeping in touch is easier now than writing letters as we did for years.
Ah, letters - I remember those. I think I've even kept some.

Letters are a bit like printed photographs. I feel they'd be almost all that would survive of our recorded interactions should we lose the internet.
Autumn comes
I've kept letters, cards and photos that mean something to me. Mind you, I could still do a big purge with photos.

They are history, arn't they. I think it's sad that we don't write letters anymore. Remember when we used to get an actual letter in the mailbox? It was so exciting, and we'd read it all the time.

I'm very lucky with my friends and family, in that they are all close to me. Not where I live now, but only 20mins away. I do have family overseas, that I've not seen in a long time, and mainly due to covid.
Be the kind of woman, that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the devil goes "oh crap, she's up".
(16-12-2021, 06:15 PM)crafters_corner Wrote: Many many arguments have been had, over bloody text messages. I hate texting with a passion, and refuse to partake. There is no meaning or heart in just words. Immediately add a face to the exact same words, and you have a whole new meaning.

If she is a good friend, she will forgive and forget this. It's important I think, that we want 'real' people to be in our lives. We are all human, and we make mistakes.

I find it hard to make friends too. Probably more because I'm retired now, so not out in the community like I used to be. I think that friendships are just like relationships of the boy/girl variety. We have to nurture it, and let it grow and blossom.

Enjoy getting to know your new friend, and allow her to 'see' you. What a blessing that you have found each other.Smile

PS, sorry, I didn't mean to make this post a story.Smile
I'd MUCH rather use the phone for talk than text, too. I have family and friends who appreciate it as much as I do. Video calls add a dimension closer to contact in person.

For some - predominantly younger - people the quick written word has always their most familiar means of communication. My friend is a few years younger than me and probably got her first cellphone in her early twenties at the latest. Back then calls were very expensive and texting was cheap, so it became the norm. Social media like Facebook has ensured the practice has endured. For many younger people in particular phone calls are the stuff of emergencies.

Yes, it's been lovely to hang out together as we have a couple of common but niche interests, and I we enjoy each others perspectives on things. I feel confident our friendship will last.
Autumn comes
(16-12-2021, 08:17 PM)an amniote Wrote:
(16-12-2021, 06:15 PM)crafters_corner Wrote: Many many arguments have been had, over bloody text messages. I hate texting with a passion, and refuse to partake. There is no meaning or heart in just words. Immediately add a face to the exact same words, and you have a whole new meaning.

If she is a good friend, she will forgive and forget this. It's important I think, that we want 'real' people to be in our lives. We are all human, and we make mistakes.

I find it hard to make friends too. Probably more because I'm retired now, so not out in the community like I used to be. I think that friendships are just like relationships of the boy/girl variety. We have to nurture it, and let it grow and blossom.

Enjoy getting to know your new friend, and allow her to 'see' you. What a blessing that you have found each other.Smile

PS, sorry, I didn't mean to make this post a story.Smile
I'd MUCH rather use the phone for talk than text, too. I have family and friends who appreciate it as much as I do. Video calls add a dimension closer to contact in person.

For some - predominantly younger - people the quick written word has always their most familiar means of communication. My friend is a few years younger than me and probably got her first cellphone in her early twenties at the latest. Back then calls were very expensive and texting was cheap, so it became the norm. Social media like Facebook has ensured the practice has endured. For many younger people in particular phone calls are the stuff of emergencies.

Yes, it's been lovely to hang out together as we have a couple of common but niche interests, and I we enjoy each others perspectives on things. I feel confident our friendship will last.
Sometimes I might get a phonecall, and I just can't be bothered talking. Does anyone else have times like that? Anyways, the odd thing is, is that I can end up by talking for 2 hours, and I guess that's because I've been captivated by the convo. I think that for me, living on my own, has made me a bit unsociable, but also, I suffer from anxiety/depression, and that doesn't help my disposition..:-)).

However, when I'm on a roll, I can be a chatterbox, and can talk for hours on the phone. It's a great way to connect with others. As is, talking here on this messageboard. It's been a lovely chat tonight here. I guess that essentially, we all want to feel some sort of connection to the society.

I hope we see you back here, as it's been lovely. Smile
Be the kind of woman, that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the devil goes "oh crap, she's up".
I sometimes hear the phone ring and simply ignore it. I am a very lazy friend.
I do that too hunni. I've also been known to hide if someone knocks on the door.

Unbeknowns to me, but apparently we are supposed to take turns at ringing each other. Like, wtf?? Who knew those 'rules'. I found that out a long time ago, from my of my grown up adult daughters, who got in a right strop because I hadn't rung her. She was waiting for me to ring her, because it was my turn. Who knew?? Now, I still ring when I'm ready, and not before, because I'm not going to be dictated to by a petulant adult child.
Be the kind of woman, that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the devil goes "oh crap, she's up".
My lazy reasoning says if you want to ring me, that's absolutely your choice. My choice is to answer or not. And yes, I am inclined to not answer the door. Or not get up at all for that matter. Some days are just not worth the bother of starting. Others start way too early!
Today I am grateful I forgot to put the broken clothes rack out in the inorganic collection, because the pole perfectly fits the one that just broke at the connection to my perfectly sized small yard broom, the bristles of which have years more life in them. A good broom is a thing of beauty, and definitely worth a small bit of creative restoring to functionality.
I have a loud & enthusiastic dog, so the option of not answering the door doesn't exist for me.
And I've only ever had the one video phonecall, during the lockdown here. Eldest granddaughter had organised me as to how to do it on the dreaded cellphone & so all was going quite well with 2-3 of them one end & me on the other, until one of them asked how I was. "Fine' I said. There was a small silence & then eldest granddaughter said 'Gran - we can SEE you rolling your eyes!'

I'm thankful for a phonecall just before from friend in Welly, very pleased as the wee book I did for her grandaughter & my three great grandkids had arrived, so that's all worked out well.

I'm also thankful that when I braved the rain & went round to send off the Xmas parcels despite really not wanting to, I didn't get too wet, & that it didn't rain when dog & I went for a walk. It may even be clearing up a bit. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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