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Our freedoms are being taken away...
Does anyone else feel that the west is slowly turning totalitarian?

Very interesting video here (only goes for 8mins)
Religion has controlled mankind for centuries, and so is government.
We need to be aware of the techniques being used so we can wake up.
One day we wont even be able to speak our minds. Not trying to shout conspiracy theories, but there is definitely something going on.
Remember, you own your sovereignty and cant be taken away from you!
8 minutes? ffs ct the world might end in there a trailer or some bullet points.
youre being very liberal with my time.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
No. We are exchanging freedoms for things we value more. It is a choice, sometimes not a very good one.

But it is a choice. We do not have to live in the West.
If I'm looking for entertainment - ok, I'll watch youtube videos. If I want information on important things - no, thank you.
I do have other cameras!
no freedoms missing here...all present and correct
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
"One day we wont even be able to speak our minds. Not trying to shout conspiracy theories, but there is definitely something going on."

Utter bollocks. There is at present only ONE weapon against the virus, & that is vaccination.
If idiots refuse to get vaccinated without valid medical reasons, then those idiots are placing the rest of us - including small children - at risk.
NO freedoms have been removed so those idiots have the right to not get the only treatment which could save their lives. That choice though doesn't mean they're free to infect other people, which is why they ought to have the commonsense to comprehend the risk their choice might cause others.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
sorry, my bad. i was thinking of my own freedoms.
ct was talking about the unvaxxed losing freedoms.
suck it up snowflake, they chose to restrict their freedoms,
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
I think we are being too soft on tha anti-vaxxers anyway.
(16-01-2022, 08:30 AM)TygerTung Wrote: I think we are being too soft on tha anti-vaxxers anyway.
i agree. we have been very patient. they refuse to acknowledge the evidence, they refuse to help or protect society, what they are doing used to be called 'crimes against humanity'

if they continue in this vein they are going to marginalise themselves into a very ugly place.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
(16-01-2022, 08:30 AM)TygerTung Wrote: I think we are being too soft on tha anti-vaxxers anyway.
I agree too.   I think part of the problem is that retail staff and hospitality workers are the ones having to enforce the mandate, which is an impractical expectation because few of them are trained for that.   Don't know what the answer is though.

(15-01-2022, 12:25 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote: Does anyone else feel that the west is slowly turning totalitarian?

Very interesting video here (only goes for 8mins)
Religion has controlled mankind for centuries, and so is government.
We need to be aware of the techniques being used so we can wake up.
One day we wont even be able to speak our minds. Not trying to shout conspiracy theories, but there is definitely something going on.
Remember, you own your sovereignty and cant be taken away from you!
I think this is nonsense.   I used to be a fan of Russell Brand, mainly because he is sound on addiction and recovery, but as soon as he gets into fields of which he has no experience he loses his grip.   If I didn't know better I'd think that Professor Evans was simply a crude satire.
i tell every retail/hospo person i speak to that they rock.
wearing those horrible, hot, itchy, glasses steaming face masks all day.
sincere kudos and respect to them all.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
There's another aspect which those who are anti vax may want to consider, & that is that many of us old enough to recall things like polio & TB are also often old enough to have grandchildren & great grandchildren. Small children, who can't be vaccinated as yet.

They may want to consider the reaction of that generation should harm come to those children as a result of the idiocy of anti vaxxers, & they may also want to consider the fact that most of that particular generation are also very well read, on various subjects. Often very wide ranging subjects.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
im not old enough to remember that.
i do remember a generation of samoan children (83) killed by antivaxxers and their insidious misinformation in 2019.
i have unvaxxable grandkids, god help those antivax arseholes if they are compromised
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
(16-01-2022, 07:23 PM)Magoo Wrote: im not old enough to remember that.
i do remember a generation of samoan children (83) killed by antivaxxers and their insidious misinformation in 2019.
i have unvaxxable grandkids, god help those antivax arseholes if they are compromised
Yep exactly. And the thing is too, that unvaxxed people may be placing their own children or grandchildren at risk by their behaviour. Either that hasn't occurred to them or they're not bothered. Confused
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(15-01-2022, 12:25 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote: Does anyone else feel that the west is slowly turning totalitarian?

Very interesting video here (only goes for 8mins)
Religion has controlled mankind for centuries, and so is government.
We need to be aware of the techniques being used so we can wake up.
One day we wont even be able to speak our minds. Not trying to shout conspiracy theories, but there is definitely something going on.
Remember, you own your sovereignty and cant be taken away from you!
1984 Anyone ?
I doubt many people are unaware of the effects technology has had on our lives, but many seem to think they can have their cake and eat it too.

We want our phones to tell us everything we want to know, but don't want them to know where we live. We want free apps to enable us, but don't want the providers to use our data to make their product better. We want everything and we want those providing it to be angelic people who will never exploit us.

It aint going to happen.
I agree. An obvious example is Facebook, where everyone knows that the business model is selling our data but people still complain about getting targeted advertising.
social media and privacy are mutually exclusive concepts.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
Exactly. Knowledge is power, it is up to us to use it rather than whinge about the way others are doing so.
(15-01-2022, 06:17 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: "One day we wont even be able to speak our minds. Not trying to shout conspiracy theories, but there is definitely something going on."

Utter bollocks. There is at present only ONE weapon against the virus, & that is vaccination.
If idiots refuse to get vaccinated without valid medical reasons, then those idiots are placing the rest of us  - including small children - at risk.
NO freedoms have been removed so those idiots have the right to not get the only treatment which could save their lives. That choice though doesn't mean they're free to infect other people, which is why they ought to have the commonsense to comprehend the risk their choice might cause others.

(15-01-2022, 08:11 PM)Magoo Wrote: sorry, my bad. i was thinking of my own freedoms.
ct was talking about the unvaxxed losing freedoms.
suck it up snowflake, they chose to restrict their freedoms,

What's this even got to do with vaccination?
Its an issue that presents us with anything, vaccination is just one aspect.
If someone gets presented with the choice to get vaxxed or loose their job, how is that a freedom?
You dont have a choice, because most people cant afford to loose their job and have mortgages to pay! Ive never seen anything so ridiculous in my whole life and people cant see through this BS and rules and restrictions that make absolutely no sense.

Ive heard about someone who is an accountant and lost hos job for not getting the vax, but he is someone who works from home and is not in contact with anyone! WTF?
These "rules" are pure punishment for anyone who is not stepping in line with what Jacinda wants out of you, nothing about this is to protect health, or else this person should have been allowed to keep his job.

Freedom belongs to YOU, no one can take that away from you or give you a choice to keep it. Pure and simple.

This feels so much like China's social credit system to me. Ive already spoken to people that are more than happy to have a chip implanted into their hand to hold their vaccine records, etc.
That could be next, if the govt can convince force 90% of the population to have a shot in their arm, then im sure it would not be hard to ask people to sign up for chip implants either.
I already saw a news story about this tech overseas, so it is something being explored.
I myself never would have thought once that anything like this could potentially happen, but all it takes is another pandemic and we could see such a thing implemented.

Im not saying its ever going to happen, but the potential is definitely there, and i can say 100% that i would refuse any such chip implant should anything like that be introduced and I hope others agree, regardless of their views on the vaccine.

(18-01-2022, 08:42 AM)Olive Wrote: I agree.  An obvious example is Facebook, where everyone knows that the business model is selling our data but people still complain about getting targeted advertising.
The sooner we get away from google, facebook, twitter, etc the better. Bring on web 3.0

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