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TM Coin Club Thread
It's amazing that pete.k48 hasn't been offered a job with an American coin grading company. See UK 1821 Sterling Silver Shilling VF Listing # 3473585921 .
Blimey - even US graders haven't quite got to that level, but give them a couple of years ...
Five bargains going here "SOME TYPE OF ANCIENT WHITE METAL COIN ESTATE PURCHASE" under the Patina the metal appears to be a white metal possibly Silver… "Listing # 3484375110 et cetera.
Should have added that I wonder what happened to the other 11 items from the sheet of "AUTHENTIC REPLICAS OF ANCIENT COINS". I have only two sets left but I would not choose to rip gullible people off like she is doing.
(27-02-2022, 10:17 AM)alpha111 Wrote: Should have added that I wonder what happened to the other 11 items from the sheet of "AUTHENTIC REPLICAS OF ANCIENT COINS".    I have only two sets left but I would not choose to rip gullible people off like she is doing.

I missed these posts earlier - but have posted a reminder on one of the FB coin groups to be sure you know what you're bidding on!
Good on  sarahloo1  Well she is listing more of these "A VERY FINE ANCIENT WHITE METAL COIN POSSIBLY SILVER"  with Listing # 3514765059 and others. We have:-
Q: Hi I think I might just stick with your other listings, could you please do me a massive favour and remove my bid, I'm the latest bidder bellumcontritum (52  ) 4 days ago
A:  Done 3 days ago (response time: 13 hours)
Q: Hi Sarahloo, I have done quite a bit of research on this coin type and discovered it is not actually an ancient coin but a known fake. The Parthian style obverse is coupled with a classical style reverse even though these periods were seperated by 200 years. I was wondering if you might be able to remove my bids and potentially add a note for other bidders to let them know.
Matt mattman100 (112  ) 3 days ago
A:  Thanks matt 3 days ago (response time: 6 hours).

Amazingly others traders took over and the bidding went up to $66.10 on this lot.
And the bidders that wanted their bids removed went on to bid on other lots of hers with the same description.
Go figure!!!
This was another good one:

Font detail is wrong when you look closely, design detail not 100%, rim wrong, alignment wrong, slab appears to be a Chinese one, the seller is "abrasive" to say the least ... yet people kept on bidding.

not so much ..

came for a wetsuit, left with an over graded '36 Florin!
opinions on this. Noble call it nearly FDC but I'm a little concerned about the nose it looks like it has some evidence of wear to it?
Is Stephen Eccles massively under grading those coins he is selling, or is everyone else massively over grading? Discuss.
sorry coins aren't my thing, I would hazard a guess the other posters haven't actually subscribed to this thread (bottom left below the quick reply panel), so they might not be getting a notification of your posts.
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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Re the token:

Not sure - it looks a very strong piece, and the facial detail on that type always looked a bit strange to me in any case.
yes it went for 2,200 but not to me. Ah for the good old days when you could get a bargain at the auctions without having to bid against some rich moron!

I was looking at the Bertrand grading descriptions and I have just realised that nearly everyone including reputable dealers over grades. There are no uncirculated old coins, at least I don't think I have seen one. All the old coins called uncirculated are actually AU according to the definition. All AU coins are really EF according to the definition, and all EF coins are really VF according to the definition, and all VF are really just average circulated, if we go by the definition.
I fully agree with Dean with one major exception. The majority of NZNDA members are capable of grading correctly when they are purchasing coins! Most strange.
Lol. Yes that is probably true. But to be fair it is a tough market, with plenty of cowboys operating. But still a little ironic though, given some here (not mentioning names!) sneer at USA grading!
(01-04-2022, 07:16 PM)Dean Wrote: Lol. Yes that is probably true. But to be fair it is a tough market, with plenty of cowboys operating. But still a little ironic though, given some here (not mentioning names!) sneer at USA grading!

Name me, that's fine :-)  Does that mean US grading (depending which of the three varying US standards we mean) is one step worse again?  I've heard through channels that at least one prominent NZ dealer refers to my grading as "hard", so does that mean I'm on-standard (-ish)?
I suspect by a "hard" grader they probably meant on standard! When I think of USA grading I guess I really just mean PCGS and NGC graded coins. Now I'm not saying the USA grading is any more accurate than NZ grading. But there is a lot more graduation to the USA grading system than the basic AVE, VF, EF, AU, UNC as described in Bertrand. That leads to a bigger incentive in NZ to up the grade by one given the significant benefit in value that can be obtained by doing so. With the USA grading I can be fairly confident that an MS65 coin will be "better" than an MS62. However with NZ I would be less confident that a coin described as AU is better than one described EF.
(02-04-2022, 12:19 PM)Dean Wrote: I suspect by a "hard" grader they probably meant on standard! When I think of USA grading I guess I really just mean PCGS and NGC graded coins. Now I'm not saying the USA grading is any more accurate than NZ grading. But there is a lot more graduation to the USA grading system than the basic AVE, VF, EF, AU, UNC as described in Bertrand. That leads to a bigger incentive in NZ to up the grade by one given the significant benefit in value that can be obtained by doing so. With the USA grading I can be fairly confident that an MS65 coin will be "better" than an MS62. However with NZ I would be less confident that a coin described as AU is better than one described EF.

It's a tough call.  Even with careful definitions, we know how much room there is for "interpretation" with the half-dozen choices we have in our system.  The way I see it, the US system just creates 70 definitions for people to interpret idiosyncratically.  The ANA introduced its own standard a few years ago in competition, and at variance, with the others, so it's a mess even before you start on the amateurs who can't interpret a definition properly.
tip for resellers: it's probably not a good idea to leave the TM listing# on the coin holder from when you originally purchased it!

And it looks like they probably paid too much for it to begin with!
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(03-04-2022, 09:11 PM)Dean Wrote: tip for resellers: it's probably not a good idea to leave the TM listing# on the coin holder from when you originally purchased it!

And it looks like they probably paid too much for it to begin with!

Oops!  At the angle the photos were taken first time round it looks like rather more wear showing, too.

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