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You can never have enough...
morning ladies Smile The fog lifted yesterday around lunchtime so was able to get washing dry outside. Gotta make the most of the sunshine as winter will be here soon enough.

MrK is still picking tomatoes, he can't believe it's April and we still have them growing. We have roasted tomatoes often as they are just sooo good. The slow roast seems to sweeten them. I also roast pumpkin rather than boiling it for soup. I scatter some chopped onion, cumin seeds and black pepper with it to add a bit more oomph.

While we had the fog, I watered the garden yesterday, especially where the newly planted roses are. I should have watered before I mulched... stupid thing to forget to do. The garden is all tucked in for winter and now it's just pruning. The dahlias are looking amazing and the roses are giving their final flush. Claude Monet has finally decided to flower after a stern talking too so I'm thinking of giving him one more year to prove himself. He really did not like being moved and has sulked for 18 months.

The Furry One needs another (sigh...) vet visit as he hasn't pooped for a couple of days. Hopefully it is something simple to fix. I think we should just empty our bank accounts into the vets, we have never had a pet that has cost us so much. Just as well we love him.

I made time to stitch and yesterday embroidered part of some feathers. This is going to be an interesting exercise in colour and patience lol. I wanted a challenge and I have one.

Coffee's finished, time to get cracking.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Another fine day

Quilted the baby floor quilt yesterday will hand stitch binding when I have finished knitting the fronts on cardi.
Had lovely dinner at DD last night always good when someone  else does the cooking.

Off to gym soon then we heading to Manawatu to have lunch with friend. Will be travelling transmission gully for first time looking forward to that Big Grin there might be a couple of fabric shops to visit too Cool

Have a good day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Lovely chill in the air this morning, I am contemplating a change in bedding for the seasonal shift, but stripping my bed is always a challenge that needs a few days in the planning! I had a happy few hours this past weekend checking my very thin merinos for holes, and doing a few very amateurish darned repairs. They are so very useful as a layer against our mild winter days so I am loathe to toss them just because they are getting finer and more lacey as the years go by! Today I will tackle the two blacks, and I am going to darn those with coloured silks just for the fun of it.

My hands are getting used to hand sewing again, my stitches are getting smaller and neater, and there is less screeching of swear words as the needle sticks decrease, but I am looking forward to the weather changing as I have plans for that new old sewing machine to occupy my rainy days. And Auckland gets plenty of those in winter. And that might mean a few days away from the jigsaw obsession.

Though I will confess to having acquired a couple of beauties over the summer...
Morning everyone

Fog again this morning.. I have always loved it cos it generally leads to a beautiful day.

Thank you Hunnihunni, I must check my merinos too. I noticed some "lace" holes last year too . Love your terms for things lol. And yep as a layer they are good even if religious.

I did alot of painting while watching the cricket yesterday. But my shoulder is screaming this morning. so I wont paint today.

Will visit MrP this morning. He had a wee slip yesterday telling me he wants to come home. I guess a week without him saying that was good while it lasted.

45 years of Fair Go Man they have some stories to tell.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
There are still tomatoes out in the garden just now changing colour; whether or not they'll make it to ripe is doubtful & depends on weather so I'm hoping for plenty of sun. Those close to ripe have been put on a paper lined tray & are put outside whenever the sun's out - as long as I don't forget & leave them overnight if we get a very cold night they should be fine, so there's likely to be more roast tomato soup in the future.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)


The last of Munstead Wood for the season.  She has the most divine scent and will fill the garden on a hot summer's evening.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(04-04-2022, 11:23 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: The last of Munstead Wood for the season.  She has the most divine scent and will fill the garden on a hot summer's evening.

They are stunning Kiwimade I can imagine the scent.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Love those roses!

I got some broad beans in, cleared the last tomatoes, and darned the last two merinos. Now I am going to binge watch the last couple of episodes of Star Trek Discovery....
Good afternoon all.

Lovely day,  now taking advantage of son having hooked into his Spark account for  the cricket the other day while here.  GD happy with paper and crayons/felts so I can have a breather ... keeps me on my toes! 

That rose is a beauty KM ... I only had the English Roses in the end plus some smaller hardy types ... they do so well.

Lucky people having a steady supply of tomatoes still.  I feel sorry for those that don't like tomatoes ... so versatile  Big Grin

Nearly time for school pick-up. I'm sure the day is taking longer!

Enjoy the rest of the day.
I'm rubbish at flower growing, with a few exceptions. One rose, (Birthday present its called, a dark red with gorgeous strong scent) a few Freesias & masses of those tiny ground covering violets.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I have Birthday Present, I grew it from a cutting and have sadly mistreated it since transplanting it to this place. But it refuses to die and every now and then produces blowsy sprays of huge velvety flowers for me. Lovely thing.

My Graeme Thomas was not nearly so understanding.
Morning all,

K9s up for their breakie at 6am  now all hunkered down for a lie in Big Grin

KM beautiful blooms pity we can't smell their scent online

I was a bit weary from our road trip last night so not much knitting done.

We did manage to visit coup,e fabric shops and DH visited PGGW to get some grass seed yesterday. We don't have a local branch  any more. We had a very enjoyable lunch with our friends too.

Transmission gully is a great road

Haircut this morning  so a trip into the city for me

Have a good day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile  We're meant to have rain today, I'll believe it when I see it.

I lost my original Graeme Thomas when I moved it, OHH.  I've got my fingers crossed for these two,  am hoping three days soaking in water and worm wee has done the trick.  Any rain we have today will help hugely. 

MrK is talking about planting broad beans and the bok choy seeds he planted the other day are already breaking the surface of the soil.  My clematis seeds have one more week in the fridge.  I check them daily to make sure they aren't going moldy and the paper towel they are on is still damp.  Weeks ago I found a teeeny tiny camellia seedling from a camellia my sister-in-law has always wanted a piece of and plonked it in a pot by the gate so I could continue with the weeding.  Yesterday I finally planted it into a small pot.  Over a few weeks it's roots have tripled in size so I think it will be just fine.  It's parent plant is flowering a gorgeous burgundy colour.

I stitched a bit yesterday and am very happy with my colour choices.  DMC's colour palate is very good especially since adding greys that are yellow based a few years ago.  Sometimes the greys were too 'blue' and these new greys are great.  It's slow and steady with the falcon and I'm happy with it so far.  You will be surprised where you find blues, greens and grey, popeye.  It's not always noticeable until you really look.

I sold an outdoor concrete urn yesterday on FB marketplace.  I've had it for years and it's been a nuisance as it's so heavy and hard to move to weed.  The new owner loves it and I have $$ in the wallet.  A win-win for us both.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Sunny here, but nice without the heat.

A friend woke me at 6-10am this morning. She has dialysis and I think shes so into her routine she doesnt think about the time lol.. I managed to go back to sleep and then she woke me again. but that was ok cos I needed to get up lol. And I probably would have overslept lol

I cut out a arm caddy for MrPs chair last night and I realised that I didn't allow for any fullness in the pocket but I cut the main piece wider than I originally planned to, so Ill pinch a bit off that to make some fullness on the pocket.

Im allowed to visit 3 times a week now, still only for 45 minutes.. So Ill take it up tomorrow and if I need to adjust the length Ill bring it home and take it back on Friday.

I've always done the groceries on a Thursday. but with the price of gas now Ill leave it until Friday after I see him.

I have a piece about 20 cms by 10cms left to do on the picture.. Have a fair bit of black to do today.. The colours on the diamond paintings are matched with the DMC cotton numbers... and one of the colours Everyone learns the number of fast is Black.. 310 lol.

Have a fab day everyone...

Ill be the one resting with a cold hottie over my knee later from "driving" the sewing machine peddle lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(04-04-2022, 02:56 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I have Birthday Present, I grew it from a cutting and have sadly mistreated it since transplanting it to this place. But it refuses to die and every now and then produces blowsy sprays of huge velvety flowers for me. Lovely thing.

My Graeme Thomas was not nearly so understanding.
Birthday tends to flower around a DIL's birthday, sometimes lasts a week or so longer till mine.

It must be a hardy & forgiving rose to survive my 'care.' Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Good afternoon - absolutely stunning day here in the Bay after a very foggy start - the port is full and the sound of the fog horns of the ships waiting out in the harbour to berth was eerie
Had an absolute terrible morning at the school breakfast club -one of the teachers asked us what we thought about her sending a note home with the kids who have been living long term in a motel to see if the Mums would like to come in for a coffee and to see if we can help in any way - a couple of us do budgeting and food rescue and op shops .About 10 Mums came -suffice to say the headmaster I have an appointment with our local MP - Winz sent them all out those very expensive Nadia Lim food boxes - many of them have a jug and a toaster a couple were lucky they had a microwave - enough said - but it’s really tough out there for some of our kiwi kids
My freesias that are in a pot look as though they are about to flower - the weather is so weird no wonder they are confused .Pulled my tomatoes out and the last of my carrots -grew the little round ones that are so quick growing and are delicious- not going to overplant my pod this season
Progress is slow with Dr Seuss - might need to put a backing on it - there are so many colour changes that need darning in
Well better get cracking on my notes for this meeting - want to keep calm and organised I know we can’t change the system but we might be able to make the motel owner treat them better after all they are making a fortune
(05-04-2022, 01:47 PM)JanW Wrote: Good afternoon - absolutely stunning day here in the Bay after a very foggy start - the port is full and the sound of the fog horns of the ships waiting out in the harbour to berth was eerie
Had an absolute terrible morning at the school breakfast club -one of the teachers asked us what we thought about her sending a note home with the kids who have been living long term in a motel to see if the Mums would like to come in for a coffee and to see if we can help in any way - a couple of us do budgeting and food rescue and op shops .About 10 Mums came -suffice to say the headmaster I have an appointment with our local MP - Winz sent them all out those very expensive Nadia Lim food boxes - many of them have a jug and a toaster a couple were lucky they had a microwave - enough said - but it’s really tough out there for some of our kiwi kids
My freesias that are in a pot look as though they are about to flower - the weather is so weird no wonder they are confused .Pulled my tomatoes out and the last of my carrots -grew the little round ones that are so quick growing and are delicious- not going to overplant my pod this season
Progress is slow with Dr Seuss - might need to put a backing on it - there are so many colour changes that need darning in
Well better get cracking on my notes for this meeting - want to keep calm and organised I know we can’t change the system but we might be able to make the motel owner treat them better after all they are making a fortune
Good for you Jan - motels should provide at the least the minimum of toaster, jug & microwave; as you say they're making plenty from the misfortune of others. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(05-04-2022, 02:59 PM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(05-04-2022, 01:47 PM)JanW Wrote: Good afternoon - absolutely stunning day here in the Bay after a very foggy start - the port is full and the sound of the fog horns of the ships waiting out in the harbour to berth was eerie
Had an absolute terrible morning at the school breakfast club -one of the teachers asked us what we thought about her sending a note home with the kids who have been living long term in a motel to see if the Mums would like to come in for a coffee and to see if we can help in any way - a couple of us do budgeting and food rescue and op shops .About 10 Mums came -suffice to say the headmaster I have an appointment with our local MP - Winz sent them all out those very expensive Nadia Lim food boxes - many of them have a jug and a toaster a couple were lucky they had a microwave - enough said - but it’s really tough out there for some of our kiwi kids
My freesias that are in a pot look as though they are about to flower - the weather is so weird no wonder they are confused .Pulled my tomatoes out and the last of my carrots -grew the little round ones that are so quick growing and are delicious- not going to overplant my pod this season
Progress is slow with Dr Seuss - might need to put a backing on it - there are so many colour changes that need darning in
Well better get cracking on my notes for this meeting - want to keep calm and organised I know we can’t change the system but we might be able to make the motel owner treat them better after all they are making a fortune
Good for you Jan - motels should provide at the least the minimum of toaster, jug & microwave; as you say they're making plenty from the misfortune of others. Smile
Yes Lilith it’s just plain wrong - they don’t even have laundry facilities and have to use the laundromat so of course the children’s clothes aren’t regularly washed - imagine trying to live for over two years with your family on two minute noodles because you only have an electric jug - most of them have been evicted from their previous houses because of the increase in rent - have told my son we need everything he can give us that makes a meal with boiling water
(05-04-2022, 04:21 PM)JanW Wrote:
(05-04-2022, 02:59 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Good for you Jan - motels should provide at the least the minimum of toaster, jug & microwave; as you say they're making plenty from the misfortune of others. Smile
Yes Lilith it’s just plain wrong - they don’t even have laundry facilities and have to use the laundromat so of course the children’s clothes aren’t regularly washed - imagine trying to live for over two years with your family on two minute noodles because you only have an electric jug - most of them have been evicted from their previous houses because of the increase in rent - have told my son we need everything he can give us that makes a meal with boiling water
I honestly think that all MP's should be required to live on the equivalent of the lowest wage/benefit  for 2-3 months over winter, (with no other income permitted) every couple of years.
That way they'd learn just how difficult life can be for some - & they'd have a reminder often enough so that they don't forget. That may be a bit radical - but I think its needed.

Its shameful that successive govts over the last 3 decades have allowed things to became so bad - there was never such a gap between rich & poor years ago.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Morning all
Rainy day here no wind

The k9s will be waiting for a walk today.

No sewing yesterday busy running errands. Finally got the washer for the kitchen sink plug - you know the little stuff.

Off to gym soon hopefully the bods will be here installing the replacement heatpump when I return.

So nothing really exciting happening here .

have a good day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin

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