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You can never have enough...
Good morning. 

Frost was on parked cars' windscreens this morning,  rare for us but a nice day in store. Minus temperatures for my daughter and family down south and the first of 5 has tested positive for covid. I hope they are not cooped up inside too long, with outdoor temps in single digits lately! 

Well done to your niece Venetia, a proud moment for the family. 

Good news OHH. I agree it makes sense to have you happily mobile and independant. We hope the batteries outlive my FIL, his scooter outings one of his remaining pleasures in life.  DH has done many repairs on it due to the wear and tear!

Look forward to seeing the finished tote KM, a rewarding project for you. 

No plans for the day,  if the cold wind is absent,  I'll get outside to continue weeding.

Have a good day all.
Good morning everyone.

A stunner of a day but its sooo cold. I can barely feel the tips of my fingers so have my fingerless gloves on.

I like that winz helps. Its like an interest free loan. And they have helped us n the past and Im very thankful. Hope the batteries arrive soon and you are soon hooning around the neighbourhood OHH.

I enjoyed my shopping yesterday, not the pain but it was worth it. treated myself twice lol.. Got a couple of pairs of men's striped socks from pak n save. They look like the self patterning wool. Im not normally a sock wearer but they were really nice lol. My feet are def warm.
And at reduced to clear they had packets of Donovan's Chocolate and raspberry covered popcorn. I like all three so figure I will like them joined together. I haven't opened them yet tho.

Off to see MrP later. The singers are there this afternoon so we will all enjoy that. I just hope they change the songs a little lol.

The lady who brought MrPs fishing gear came to pick up yesterday. I was sitting there thinking I wonder if she knows a guy I went to school with, the name is a local name. And yep she is married to him lol. So we had a good chat. She also used to be a reliever in the rest homes in the region, but now works on their farm. Small world lol.

You wouldn't believe how many spelling mistakes I have had to correct cos my fingers wont work lol.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
One good thing about this restricted to barracks thing, I have hauled out one of the many retro suitcases housing UFO projects from the past. I developed a not so small obsession during my series of orthopedic procedures with their months of rehab, stitching wool tapestries. For a while I focused on kits to learn the skills and then branched out into table carpets and the like. Friends and family would give me new kits and wools instead of plants because mobility was an issue and I have ended up with way more than I could ever use. So, they are layered around the room at the moment as I decide prices and combination before listing them on TM. They'll go cheap because the market for them is a little niche it seems and sales are slow. But - in among them I discovered four tiny butterfly kits that I had quite forgotten about, I just might stitch those up, inspired as I am by KM! A good summer project perhaps?
(12-08-2022, 09:32 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: One good thing about this restricted to barracks thing, I have hauled out one of the many retro suitcases housing UFO projects from the past. I developed a not so small obsession during my series of orthopedic procedures with their months of rehab, stitching wool tapestries. For a while I focused on kits to learn the skills and then branched out into table carpets and the like. Friends and family would give me new kits and wools instead of plants because mobility was an issue and I have ended up with way more than I could ever use. So, they are layered around the room at the moment as I decide prices and combination before listing them on TM. They'll go cheap because the market for them is a little niche it seems and sales are slow. But - in among them I discovered four tiny butterfly kits that I had quite forgotten about,  I just might stitch those up, inspired as I am by KM! A good summer project perhaps?
Free Selling on TM tomorrow too OHH so a good time to list them
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Oh whoopdeedo, I shall get cracking!
Well Wellington has done a complete turn around and the sun is out - well at the moment anyway.

You will be happy to be mobile again OHH.

Lovely to hear that the baby is doing well Mica.

Thanks for your kind commentare my niece. She now has come down with covid but fortunately not really unwell. Finding re-organising travel is frustrating she was on hold to AirNZ for 3 hours this am and then the line fell out! 
Because she has come from overseas only a few days ago we have been advised to self isolate for 5 days too until she gets a PCR done in case it is a new strain. I don’t mind as I have quite a bit to do with the elderly and pre schoolers and would never want to put them at risk. 
We can travel home though as we will be isolated in our cars and then I can find ample to do to fill in the time.
(11-08-2022, 07:38 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I like repaying - and after all, it is coming out of my Super which is a gift denied to many. Nope, I am very happy...

Btw, did you watch Seven Sharp? And the Hu? Love love love...
No, had no clue they were on it but just found it now - they're brilliant, really love them. Just had to put Wolf totem on now, after seeing that. The guy who did great things with the recorder was a surprise for Ben Hurley, I think!

Finally got the second jab today & did a very small bit of pruning in the garden.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I fell on my face yesterday. Embarrassing, but I do that sometimes. I bent over to pick some lemons up from the grass under the tree and just kept going right on down, lol... In slow motion. Apparently it is amusing to watch. Fortunately the tree meant I could climb upright again and didn't need to yell for help, which would have made it double embarrassing. So very quiet day today, with an arm that is going to get very colourful as I used it to protect my face from the sharp edge of the concrete path. This is why I need my scooter, I am just not safe on two legs!!!

We used to be able to roll and tumble so easily back in the day, but now a simple fall is a thing to be dreaded. Tg I was lucky, again. And it is an excellent excuse to just sit in the sun with a book...

Oh, and batteries coming on Tuesday morning. Fingers crossed the weather is okay.
dammm OHH, hope you mend quickly Heart

The garden is weeded, boy that mulch makes a huge difference with weeding. So now I have to wait for the bins to be emptied so I can rid of the weeds. I refuse to put them in the compost as our compost never gets hot enough to kill the seeds so I end up spreading them around again. Lawns tomorrow.

Bed has been stripped, sheets washed and dried and bed remade. And a sultana loaf is cooking. A busy day but good to get it all done.

I might just hand wash those embroidered pieces so they can hang outside to dry. Or I might just sit in the sun and read (really like that idea, OHH lol).
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
A wheat bag held on the bruises might help, also arnica cream is said to be good for bruising, if you have any. I now have a sore arm from the booster & if its anything like the first booster, will probably stay sore for a few days, so have had the wheat bag on it once already.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Yes, I iced it first thing, but it was already a lump, anticoag drugs are a pain at times like these. But it will be fine, like your sore jabbed arm Lilith, the weekend will see it settle down. And no more bending without something to hang on to!
morning ladies Smile Another frosty start to the day. Once the frost has lifted, I'll mow the lawn.

I hope you aren't too stiff and sore this morning, OHH.

It's Left Handers Day today Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin A day to celebrate us lefties cutting unsliced bread crooked as the blade is in the wrong side of the knife for us, measuring tapes and rulers being read upside down, can openers refusing to work, and all the myriad of things we have to adapt to. I saw online the other day there is now an online shop for us lefties based in Christchurch Big Grin I bought a tape measure, ruler and pencil sharpener from England years ago and they are a godsend. Pencil sharpeners were a particular PITA as I was going against the grain. Now at least I can support a kiwi business.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Not quite as cold as yesterday.

OHH I hope you are ok today. I totally get the anticoagulant thing when it comes to pain meds. Doesn't help when there are a couple we can take, that I cant or wont. Tramadol gives me the worst dreams. And I wont even consider swallowing Gabapentin after seeing MrP and my brother turning into super nasty men and a friend had suicidal thoughts.

Ive just popped my pills, very sore today, but I dont have a lot to do today. I may do a little online shopping on spotlight tho. Ill try and get that pattern and I would really like some calico. I love calico... But I learnt very quickly years ago not to try making clothes from it. Cos oh what a PITA it is once washed.. Soooo wrinkly.. But it should be nice for toys. I used to have a good stash of it but have used it all.

Oh the singing was the same songs yesterday, but I dont mind. I love hearing them all singing along.. One pair were singing to each other. Making eyes at each other .It was lovely to watch.. But Poor Bobbie got upset this time. The woman of the trio said she was Scottish, but came out here as a kid and has lost her accent. But they sung the song about Glasgow Town and Bobbie started crying, which set me off and then Peter started too.

I also got lots of Doggie Cuddles. One of the activities planner ladies had her 11 year old Black lab in. He name was Purdie. With some grey around her Muzzle. Her Mum needed to go to the loo so I baby sat. I miss having a dog, probably always will so it was wonderful having lots of cuddles.

Might do some listings today too, since its free selling.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
A frosty start but a beautiful day yipee Big Grin

Had DGS again last night he has just left so I am off to the sewing cave to play with fabric.

I feel for LH people KM I am lucky in that I can use both hands for alot of activities good that there is a devoted shop will be good for future pressies as a few lefties in our family.

My bobbins will be spinning today
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
my Dad was a sinistral, and beaten for it as a child at school in Edinburgh in the 30s. So he ended up ambidextrous, and his best party trick was writing with both hands at the same time which fascinated us kids...
The arm is quite a bit better today thanks to the wheat bag, but feeling really tired for some reason. Haven't done much today apart from the ever so exciting washing & bit of painting.

My Mum was also originally left handed but was forced to change to right handed.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Have a brother who is left handed. His teacher was considered rather advanced as she didn’t try and make left-handed children use their right hands when learning to write. That was about 70 years ago.
My Mum was sent to a convent school (the idea being that it would 'make a lady of her' which thankfully failed miserable) & those nuns back then were apparently vicious & would smack the hand with a ruler of any child they caught writing with their left hand.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile Another frosty day today Smile No complaints here though.

I remember using scissors at high school and the teaching telling me a five year old could do better. I was using scissors designed for right handed people and could never cut a straight edge. Even today I can't seem to cut straight when using scissors.

Today I'll run around with the vacum and do a bit of dusting like lady muck lol. Then I'll sew my tote bag together and decide what's next on the embroidery list. Today is meant to be the last of the fine days for a little while so maybe I should make the most of it and get outside instead. Sounds like a better idea to me.

Happy crafting Smile

OK, now I know it's cold outside. The milk tanker has gone up to the farm. Usually the Furry One welcomes it with racing along the fence line and barking. This morning he stood in the porch and gave one woof before coming inside.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Lovely sunshine and I expect ice on roadside parked car windscreens earlier, the only sign of a frost we get! No complaints here either  Smile

My mum had her left hand fingers "tapped" with a yard ruler (30's) in the classroom. She has been ambidextrous since. I also remember having my fingers tapped with a super long pencil by Sister Clare for getting the notes wrong during a piano lesson! Way to put you off the piano for ever! Speaking of the yard ruler, it was used frequently in the classroom when I was a child (and not for what it was intended) Sad

Day not planned yet, beyond looking at an Open Home with son/partner. Enjoy the sun mostly. 

Have a good day all.

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