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You can never have enough...
Good morning. 

Gorgeous day out there. 

Will have to try the mint sauce on silverbeet! I tend to mix it with other veges or add to cooked dishes. Yum to pak/bok choy. Must get some plants, as it's easy to grow.

I think I need steroids as well.  Legacy of coughing (not any more though) has left me with what I think is rib cartilage inflammation, off to doc tomorrow as so sore! Covid is doing the rounds again round here.  People we know who haven't had it getting it and others a repeat dose. Damn, I don't want anything affecting the respiratory system at present!

Panadol should have kicked in, will get some jobs done and get outside for a bit.

Enjoy the day.
Morning everyone

Mum used to dice up a little onion and put in the pot with silverbeet too. I never ate it.. Had an old friend who used to love Drinking the water that silverbeet was cooked in. I dare say he was never lacking in iron.

Had a total lazy day yesterday.. I should be doing things but not feeling greatly inspired by anything at the mo.

I wish this stuff would sort my mouth out. Although I will say the only bit left is my tongue. Was talking to MrP last night and his is the same.. But this stuff is disgusting and make me have an upset tummy.

Make sure the steroids dont bung you up Kiwimade. One of their horrible side effects.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
What are these steroids you are all munching on? Might be better than the stuff I swallow with my tea every morning... Big Grin

My blueberries are heavily flowered too, and the peach tree is a delight. I popped in some Little Garden seedlings yesterday from their baby punnets to their grown up pots, mizuna lettuce, spinach, and beetroot, and scattered rainbow carrot seed around the three tomato plants in theirs. Today I'm going to dedicate one of the smaller pots to freckles having found some left over seed.

I always cook my silverbeet with tomatoes to cut the metallic taste, I do think though the brightly coloured versions have a lot less of that than the monster stalks we used to be fed as children. My grandfather used to tell us they were two in one vegies, with the stalks saved for creamy sauces, they were the size of stalks that came with palm fronds... I suspect he used to pee on those in the garden the way he did the chrysanths, claiming it made the flowers bigger...
(26-09-2022, 09:25 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: What are these steroids you are all munching on? Might be better than the stuff I swallow with my tea every morning...  Big Grin

My blueberries are heavily flowered too, and the peach tree is a delight. I popped in some Little Garden seedlings yesterday from their baby punnets to their grown up pots, mizuna lettuce, spinach, and beetroot, and scattered rainbow carrot seed around the three tomato plants in theirs. Today I'm going to dedicate one of the smaller pots to freckles having found some left over seed.

I always cook my silverbeet with tomatoes to cut the metallic taste, I do think though the brightly coloured versions have a lot less of that than the monster stalks we used to be fed as children. My grandfather used to tell us they were two in one vegies, with the stalks saved for creamy sauces, they were the size of stalks that came with palm fronds... I suspect he used to pee on those in the garden the way he did the chrysanths, claiming it made the flowers bigger...

Yep slice the stalks, add some onion boil ia a little water. Then top up with miolk, salt and pepper and thicken with cornflour.   I didnt like that either lol

(26-09-2022, 09:25 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: What are these steroids you are all munching on? Might be better than the stuff I swallow with my tea every morning...  Big Grin

My blueberries are heavily flowered too, and the peach tree is a delight. I popped in some Little Garden seedlings yesterday from their baby punnets to their grown up pots, mizuna lettuce, spinach, and beetroot, and scattered rainbow carrot seed around the three tomato plants in theirs. Today I'm going to dedicate one of the smaller pots to freckles having found some left over seed.

I always cook my silverbeet with tomatoes to cut the metallic taste, I do think though the brightly coloured versions have a lot less of that than the monster stalks we used to be fed as children. My grandfather used to tell us they were two in one vegies, with the stalks saved for creamy sauces, they were the size of stalks that came with palm fronds... I suspect he used to pee on those in the garden the way he did the chrysanths, claiming it made the flowers bigger...

Yep slice the stalks, add some onion boil ia a little water. Then top up with milk, salt and pepper and thicken with cornflour.   I didnt like that either lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Eeeeuuuw yuk! Not even a proper roux sauce? Barbaric!
Freezing outside, not doing any weeding today. On the bright side, the howling gale dried the washing - or most of it anyway.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Good afternoon waiting to be picked up so caught up on all your posts - my iPad didn’t like me watering it when watering the garden and the repairman was very slow and very annoying
I grew the new variety twisted cauliflower - the leaves spiral up over the cauliflower - the packet said the leaves are full of nutrients and very edible so I just cut the middle out and have been making soup and smoothies with the leaves and now another cauliflower is growing out the side of the stalk so that packet of seeds is certainly paying for itself - the soup made with the leaves is mor3 flavoursome than the cauli.The commercial growers are struggling to break even - if anybody thinks climate change isn’t real talk to a veggie grower - they are continually having to replant plus the cost of fuel - diesel is now more expensive than 91 thanks to Putin - we already had the highest transportation costs in the OECD and now GST has been added to road user charges and operating licences so the growers costs are up again .Sad thing is more and more growers are considering selling their land to developers and we will be eating Chinese grown cauliflowers .Robie is charging 10c more than he pays for a cauli and all his costs need to come out of that 10c
Yesterday I swapped some of my excess cucumber seedlings on the local Facebook barter page - the lady who wanted the seedlings had rhubarb but I wanted lemonade/limes - so a lady who had oranges wanted rhubarb so she swapped her oranges for limes then came and swapped me for the rhubarb I had swapped for my two cucumbers - we all had a good laugh as we are all within a block of one another
My ride is here
(26-09-2022, 12:25 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Eeeeuuuw yuk! Not even a proper roux sauce? Barbaric!

Hahaha yep lol... I dont eat it thank god lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile  It's an early start as our friend has a very early appointment at Waikato this morning. 

ewwwww popeye, that silverbeet in 'sauce' sounds awful, I wouldn't have eaten it either.

Jan, I like the sound of those twisted caulis and told MrK about them.  We'll keep an eye out for some as they would be perfect for us.  We plant the smaller vegies now and there is much less waste.  I do feel for the commercial growers though and can see why some are selling up.  Yesterday Pak n Save had the smallest caulis cut in half for $6.  I agree with Lilith, those caulis are going to be wasted as who would buy them?  They weren't even big enough for a meal for the two of us.  Thank goodness for vegie gardens.

OHH, the steroid I've been taking for my back is Celecoxib and one the doc prescribed for MrK.  It's certainly freed up my movements that's for sure.  Another day or two and I won't need them Smile

I worked on the kotare/kingfisher for a bit yesterday and his beak and eye are done.  I have this eye staring at me now, quite unnerving lol. 

Better get cracking, washing needs to be hung out before I pick our friend up for his appointment.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I’ll be looking out for those caulks too Jan W. My little cabbages look a bit sad due to all the rain but are starting to heart up so should be ok. 
I liked the stems of the silver beet rather than the tops but mum would make a proper white sauce (roux style) for them and sometimes with added cheese or onion. 
I tried the stems and leaves of the beetroot yesterday in a stir fry and they weren’t too bad at all.

Went over to my sisters yesterday - she is overseas at the moment so I helped BiL set up seed trays for lettuce, carrots, beets, and radishes and planted his little tomatoes into a planter thing he has and made it into a little hothouse to protect them. BiL’s mobility isn’t the best and he is quite limited in what he can do physically so he was the “brains” and I was the “brawn”  Smile.  At least it got him outside for a while and something a bit different to do.
Morning everyone

Im glad I dont like Cauli, its the texture for me tho. We of course are surrounded with market gardens being in the Potato and Onion Capitol of the country. And Pukekohe is certainly heading further and further into the country. Some of the cattle farms at our end are gardens now, and one area that used to grow onions is back into farm again.

Papakura and Drury are now pretty much joined. And the New building at Paerata is Huge. Pukekohe will end up joining it within maybe 10-15 years I reckon if not sooner.

Waiuku is growing. We came back in 2004 and the house Im in now wasn't even here when we moved back. Houses before Covid were going up ion 6 weeks. in 2010 our New Med center opened and it was thought to be massive and with 13 Drs everyone thought it would "Fit" for years but now they are rushed off their feet and could do with several more Drs.

MrP is having an x-ray on his foot today apparently, he's not one to com[plain about pain, and stupidly not to the drs etc so when he tells me I have to tell them. So they are going to check it. He hasn't been out of bed since he went there 8 days ago, so I doubt he will when he gets back here either. Silly man. he knows what will happen.

Not sure what Im doing today, although I might pop up and get some weed eater cord and then see if one of my male Neighbours can get the nut undone so I can reload it and make a start on the edges.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(27-09-2022, 05:53 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: morning ladies Smile  It's an early start as our friend has a very early appointment at Waikato this morning. 

ewwwww popeye, that silverbeet in 'sauce' sounds awful, I wouldn't have eaten it either.

Jan, I like the sound of those twisted caulis and told MrK about them.  We'll keep an eye out for some as they would be perfect for us.  We plant the smaller vegies now and there is much less waste.  I do feel for the commercial growers though and can see why some are selling up.  Yesterday Pak n Save had the smallest caulis cut in half for $6.  I agree with Lilith, those caulis are going to be wasted as who would buy them?  They weren't even big enough for a meal for the two of us.  Thank goodness for vegie gardens.

OHH, the steroid I've been taking for my back is Celecoxib and one the doc prescribed for MrK.  It's certainly freed up my movements that's for sure.  Another day or two and I won't need them Smile

I worked on the kotare/kingfisher for a bit yesterday and his beak and eye are done.  I have this eye staring at me now, quite unnerving lol. 

Better get cracking, washing needs to be hung out before I pick our friend up for his appointment.

Happy crafting Smile
Ahhh, so it isn't a magic something else kind of steroid at all, it is exactly what keeps me moving without screaming. I have been on it - it is an nsaid, a non steroidal anti inflammatory - for decades now, but as it does have side effects on the gut my doc insists I take another med with it to protect my tummy. Bit late now I reckon, as another doc I had blamed it for my ongoing anaemia, the one I balance out with B12 drops. Celebrex is a fantastic drug, it was withdrawn for a couple of years but it is back now wearing a different packaging and is very effective. I can tell within a very short time if I have missed a dose, which is why I was in real trouble when the haematologist abruptly ordered me off them for a couple of months over the damned PE. Stupid woman, putting me on fentanyl was her idea of a replacement. Me, the one allergic to narcotics? Tg I have a good gp who listened to my pleas and researched the celecoxib we have now and put me back on it.

Docs who bother to research treatments outside their specialities are worth their weight in gold.

Do be a bit careful with it though, especially if it hasn't been prescribed for you specifically. Those side effects are significant, and the pain it damps down could be a warning of other things not just arthritic or overuse injury. It is magic stuff though...  Big Grin
thanks for the info, OHH. I'll only be taking it for a couple more days. I don't have arthritis, this is just lower back strain from moving the concrete fill. Once the inflammation has gone down, I should be good to go Big Grin
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
We just had a scoping visit from one of the management team. Not the LL, the team they hire to do the property work. (Double clipping the ticket anyone?) Anyway, one of our lot caught her and focused her attention on a couple of real bugbears which look as though they might actually get fixed! They made big changes a while back to our parking and driveway area in order to put in a totally useless mobility scooter garage on a very steep slope, which renders parking of cars and scooters a risky proposition. We got the chance to demonstrate a fix which just might correct the situation - if the decision makers recognise a mistake was made in the first place. Might not happen overnight, but the hope is that it just might happen at all, lol.

All digits crossed for a couple of months and we'll see! Big Grin
Totally agree OHH and Kiwimade re having a Dr that listens and thinks.

I loved my previous Dr and she was good at looking into things. but she like others before have always said no to Steroids and anit-inflams for warfarin users. The Ortho Dr and my current GP said the good outweighs the bad. And the two weeks bliss I got was wonderful.

Ive been out doing edges and lawns. I went up to get more cord for the weed eater and the guy used to work in another shop here and he was awesome and showed me how to do it. The book instructions do not correspond to the parts lol.

So Ive been out and enjoyed myself . Had to stop for fluid and Ive gone as far around as the leads goes via the garage. The clouds are coming in so Im not sure if I will get back out there. but the bulk is done. Pat next door ended up getting a battery mower, with a wider cut than ours. He was out there too. nearly 97 and still mowing his lawn and walking the dog twice a day. As well as looking after his wife who has mobility issues. He will deserve his card from the King thats for sure.

Two dead on the Waikato roads again today.. sad.

And 9800 covid cases.. The very reason I still wear my mask everywhere.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
That was a handy three way swap, Jan! Smile Probably we should all be doing more of that.

Good luck with the hoped for changes, Hunni.

Got the shopping out of the way, then did a fair bit of weeding in the garden - fairly carefully since my back has decided to do a bit of twingeing now & then & the last thing I need at this time of year is that playing up.
I'd have liked to do far more out there but have to make it just a bit at a time. Its quite frustrating, not having the same energy levels I had at 30.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(27-09-2022, 02:01 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: That was a handy three way swap, Jan! Smile  Probably we should all be doing more of that.

Good luck with the hoped for changes, Hunni.

Got the shopping out of the way, then did a fair bit of weeding in the garden - fairly carefully since my back has decided to do a bit of twingeing now & then  & the last thing I need at this time of year is that playing up.
I'd have liked to do far more out there but have to make it just a bit at a time. Its quite frustrating, not having the same energy levels I had at 30.

I fully understand Lilith.. But a little everyday or so often gets the job done. Ive been a tortoise most of my life lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Yes Lilith it was funny - like fitting the pieces in a jigsaw
Another new veggie I grew that has been really successful is Florentine red onion - I think they may have been a King’s seed - you just scatter them and then thin them out when they are useable spring onion size - they end up like a shallot shape - super in salads or under the grill cheese on toast - I just popped them whole in my casseroles - very versatile and no waste because they are smaller .
I have two garden beds down the back of the section seeing I am on a gardening roll thinking of planting some potatoes - my kids think it’s hilarious never gardened in my life before but it’s sort of cheating in the veggiepod as there are no bugs and no bending - it self waters as well
My granddaughter has two Russian blue cats - 14 year old sisters - one started losing weight - spent the night at the vet last night on a drip - the other one is beside herself - they are together all the time - sad times ahead for sure
Have something Ukrainian for tea - looks like a pastie -not sure if it’s sweet or savoury - the grandad brought it round I asked what it was but sometimes I just can’t understand him - he is still wobbly on his bike but he goes all around the town on it - the father is still in Germany the worry is if he recovers 100% he will have to go back to Ukraine to fight again - will break the families heart
(27-09-2022, 03:49 PM)JanW Wrote: Yes Lilith it was funny - like fitting the pieces in a jigsaw
Another new veggie I grew that has been really successful is Florentine red onion - I think they may have been a King’s seed - you just scatter them and then thin them out when they are useable spring onion size - they end up like a shallot shape - super in salads or under the grill cheese on toast - I just popped them whole in my casseroles - very versatile and no waste because they are smaller .
I have two garden beds down the back of the section seeing I am on a gardening roll thinking of planting some potatoes - my kids think it’s hilarious never gardened in my life before but it’s sort of cheating in the veggiepod as there are no bugs and no bending - it self waters as well
My granddaughter has two Russian blue cats - 14 year old sisters - one started losing weight - spent the night at the vet last night on a drip - the other one is beside herself - they are together all the time - sad times ahead for sure
Have something Ukrainian for tea - looks like a pastie -not sure if it’s sweet or savoury - the grandad brought it round I asked what it was but sometimes I just can’t understand him - he is still wobbly on his bike but he goes all around the town on it - the father is still in Germany the worry is if he recovers 100% he will have to go back to Ukraine to fight again - will break the families heart
Ordered, one pack, Kings Florentine Red Onion...

Should do well in a pot!

Oh the silly bugger is refusing his medication again.

Blames me for everything again...

I told him he knows what will happen if he continues to refuse it... They will mental health him.

So he went to hang up but I moved faster.

And I dont really care this time... lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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