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TM Coin Club Thread
All the MBB 5 cents I've looked at online appear to be of the pointing to dot on rim type. But even if you were able to find one that pointed between dots it would only confirm that MBB and HK are both possibilities. Would still need more evidence to decide between the two. Would be interesting to see the documentation (presumably was included with the coin when sold at noble auction).
(10-02-2023, 09:25 AM)Dean Wrote: All the MBB 5 cents  I've looked at online appear to be of the pointing to dot on rim type. But even if you were able to find one that pointed between dots it would only confirm that MBB and HK are both possibilities. Would still need more evidence to decide between the two. Would be interesting to see the documentation (presumably was included with the coin when sold at noble auction).

I don't think the documentation was mentioned this time around so I hope it hasn't been lost in the intervening years.
Bill Leggett Collectables has listed an extremely rare item "ROMAN? FLAVIOUS VICTOR BRONZE COIN" Listing # 3994603792 with a bargain $50 Buy Now on Trade Me.
Strangely the legend AVT K KΛAV_ΔIOC CEB on this coin was used by another Roman Emperor 120 years earlier.
(15-02-2023, 12:45 PM)alpha111 Wrote: Bill Leggett Collectables has listed an extremely rare item "ROMAN? FLAVIOUS VICTOR BRONZE COIN" Listing # 3994603792 with a bargain $50 Buy Now on Trade Me.
Strangely the legend AVT K KΛAV_ΔIOC CEB on this coin was used by another Roman Emperor 120 years earlier.

The eagle, regnal year format and the Greek legends should have been a giveaway that it was Roman Alexandria.  Now, as for Klaudios ... wonder what that might have been in Latin :-)
Another Dealer, classic-nz Listing # 4006731765 . "For sale is an ancient Roman coin, an AE from the 4th century. Research is required to identify this coin" Yet it's quite readable: IMP LICINIVS P F AVG / IOVI CONSERVATORI AVG
So do a lot rely on the information that comes with the coin? It's a worry.
(21-02-2023, 10:12 AM)alpha111 Wrote: Another Dealer, classic-nz  Listing # 4006731765 . "For sale is an ancient Roman coin, an AE from the 4th century. Research is required to identify this coin" Yet it's quite readable: IMP LICINIVS P F AVG / IOVI CONSERVATORI AVG
So do a lot rely on the information that comes with the coin? It's a worry.

I genuinely wonder how many actually look at what's in front of them.  Perhaps some are "big-picture" folks who look at the coin as a whole, don't recognise it, and the process stops there.  Taking the time to read the detail, transcribe it, and then do a little searching on the web or - gasp - in a book, is a rare skill indeed.
Another Dealer "auctionkings" Listing # 4016810590 Ancient Trajan Decius, 249-251 Roman Bronze Coin. Could be wrong but isn't it Aurelian ? Hard to decipher worn Greek letters.
Certainly looks like ...IANOS, so Aurelian is plausible.
Bad luck Dean, missing out by only ONE CENT on the NZ SILVER PRIZE MEDAL 1891, ANTON TEUTENBERG, GREYHOUND DESIGN, $1 RES! It seems like too many people bid on coins and medals on a Sunday. That is a p**s off.
Unless the setup has been changed, I didn't think a one-cent increment was enough to win a lot. I've lost an item with a higher advance bid (via Bidbud) before, because I wasn't a full bid increment above the second-highest bid at closing time.
Some "Indian" coins that aren't ... and at least a couple aren't genuine either:  the large 1920 one looks Chinese-made, and the small 1920 silver, which would be worth three figures if genuine, has the 1926-style reverse design (dots by the date rather than dashes).  Still tempted to buy them just for the "bag of shame" fakes bag.
What about the "LOVELY OLD GOLD COINS COLLECTIBLE COINS" Listing # 4033418490 . There are four souvenir Perth mint tokens at the top of the picture. It's a long time since I've been at the Perth Mint.
Let's say the seller has moved a lot of non-authentic material via TradeMe, usually couched in the "maybe this/maybe that" kind of wording he's using here, and is always abusive or sarcastic to anyone who points out their real status. A number of buyers have been burned - and some probably won't even realise it until they come to sell in turn, but I guess it's up to them to "buy the book before the coin" and know what they're spending their money on.
(13-03-2023, 09:32 AM)alpha111 Wrote: Bad luck Dean, missing out by only  ONE CENT on the NZ SILVER PRIZE MEDAL 1891, ANTON TEUTENBERG, GREYHOUND DESIGN, $1 RES!  It seems like too many people bid on coins and medals on a Sunday. That is a p**s off.

Obviously I had hoped I might get a bargain so a bit of a bummer but I'm not too annoyed just means I can spend more on the next mowbray auction!

It has to be said -the NZ selection at the newest noble auction is very underwhelming! It seems it might be a trend, not so many good NZ coins around like there used to be?
nice Fijian coins!
The 1934 Fiji florin is a strong strike and should retain its value but one should be cautious of spending too much on any one coin.
There is a good lesson from recent New Zealand history. The Auckland Coin & Bullion Exchange Ltd Numismatic Listing of September 1983 with Manager JHJ (moomoos) and Assistant Manager HM (curio) has a 1974 NZ Day Proof dollar for $425.
Using the Reserve Bank of New Zealand's iinflation calculator General (CPI) an item that cost $425 in 1983Q3 would cost $1664.60 in 2022Q4. A lot of ancients had a similar plight.
But you can currently go on to the Oceanic Mint website and get the Proof Dollar for $55.00 (it's listed as silver).
price realised for high grade Fijian coins sold on ebay
(27-03-2023, 12:17 PM)alpha111 Wrote: The 1934 Fiji florin is a strong strike and should retain its value but one should be cautious of spending too much on any one coin.
There is a good lesson from recent New Zealand history.  The Auckland Coin & Bullion Exchange Ltd Numismatic Listing of September 1983 with Manager JHJ (moomoos) and Assistant Manager HM (curio) has a 1974 NZ Day Proof dollar for $425.
Using the Reserve Bank of New Zealand's iinflation calculator General (CPI) an item that cost $425 in 1983Q3 would cost $1664.60 in 2022Q4. A lot of ancients had a similar plight.
But you can currently go on to the Oceanic Mint website and get the Proof Dollar for $55.00 (it's listed as silver).

I'm bemused as to why it would have been $425 at any time!
(19-03-2023, 03:44 PM)alpha111 Wrote: What about  the "LOVELY OLD GOLD COINS COLLECTIBLE COINS"  Listing # 4033418490 . There are four souvenir Perth mint tokens at the top of the picture. It's a long time since I've been at the Perth Mint.

(28-03-2023, 02:50 PM)Dean Wrote:
(27-03-2023, 12:17 PM)alpha111 Wrote: The 1934 Fiji florin is a strong strike and should retain its value but one should be cautious of spending too much on any one coin.
There is a good lesson from recent New Zealand history.  The Auckland Coin & Bullion Exchange Ltd Numismatic Listing of September 1983 with Manager JHJ (moomoos) and Assistant Manager HM (curio) has a 1974 NZ Day Proof dollar for $425.
Using the Reserve Bank of New Zealand's iinflation calculator General (CPI) an item that cost $425 in 1983Q3 would cost $1664.60 in 2022Q4. A lot of ancients had a similar plight.
But you can currently go on to the Oceanic Mint website and get the Proof Dollar for $55.00 (it's listed as silver).

I'm bemused as to why it would have been $425 at any time!

I understand there was a little 'stockpiling' going on in certain quarters ... AC&B and others would just have been reflecting market availability at the time as a result.  Somewhere I have a "wanted to buy" list from Donald Ion offering what to us would seem a crazy price for the 1974 NZ Day issues.
How to loose money buying and selling NZ medallions.
Listing # 4076825335 original JBL price $150 Start price $45.00 Buy now: $55.00
Listing # 4076825806 original JBL price $120 Start price $35.00 Buy now: $45.00
And from the same original dealer ACW on Trade Me Listing # 4083339938 RUPEE COIN 1840 KM 458 EXTREMELY FINE.
They should be ashamed to give that high a grading.

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