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TMMB will be closing down (NOT ANYMORE)
Im looking at closing down this site at the end of the month unless activity picks up.
If someone wants to donate $80 or so to fund the webhosting for the next 12 months, I will keep it running for another year to see if we can gain members.

Any other ideas, please feel free to share here.

While I cannot say I am surprised at your decision I am very sorry that there are not more who support you.
I do not have any bright ideas to promote the site and at the present time I am not in a position to foot the bill for webhosting.

I shall be sorry to see the site close.
I might put an email out to members to see what response I get.
I have until the 15th.
Admin  How about asking for donations from Members & Put your Bank Account Details on so if someone wants donate they can.  
Come on Members lets get  together & keep it going. 
Its a great Site.
I  be sorry to see it close down.
(05-02-2021, 09:47 PM)Ferrit47 Wrote: Admin  How about asking for donations from Members & Put your Bank Account Details on so if someone wants donate they can.  
Come on Members lets get  together & keep it going. 
Its a great Site.
I  be sorry to see it close down.
I like this suggestion.  I would be happy to make a donation of a few dollars to keep the site alive.
Sounds good, I might put a sticky thread up here with account details.
(06-02-2021, 07:21 AM)Rumpelteazer Wrote:
(05-02-2021, 09:47 PM)Ferrit47 Wrote: Admin  How about asking for donations from Members & Put your Bank Account Details on so if someone wants donate they can.  
Come on Members lets get  together & keep it going. 
Its a great Site.
I  be sorry to see it close down.
I like this suggestion.  I would be happy to make a donation of a few dollars to keep the site alive.
I have just posted a sticky thread with bank details.
All donations are very much appreciated.
I guess potential members have gravitated to NZ Issues where there is all sorts of activity over a vast range of thread topics. Members here who take advantage of the this forum by posting their Daily Quiz results could probably do their bit by opening up some actual interesting topics.
Shaun I've just popped some money in the account, not quite the full amount but hopefully with a few other donations it'll be enough to keep it going for a while.
(11-02-2021, 12:47 PM)s.monkey Wrote: Shaun I've just popped some money in the account, not quite the full amount but hopefully with a few other donations it'll be enough to keep it going for a while.
Thanks heaps.
I will look at trying to open a bit more discussion on here going forward. Smile
You somehow have to find a way to get bumped up on Google search. I don't know how you do that but someone may have that marketing expertise. That's what NZIssues did but they were also fortunate that TM message board closed down (or most of it did). It's a shame you couldn't get more people posting as we need another general forum as we had with Trademe. When there was an earthquake you could always find out what was happening by logging on there. I missed that immediate interaction yesterday - Stuff is useless for that, and they don't even allow comments on most articles. And a life problem - well, you'd get all sorts of 'advice' that you could ignore or take on board!!

When you type in "NZ forums" or "Message board New Zealand" to Google search, you get the specialist forums, like Geekzone and ENZ but no sign of TMMB.
If Enough Members donate to Shaun he will be able to keep it going for our Enjoyment.
Come on Everyone Support Shaun as we all use it too.
These are proper forums. I don't know why you don't get plenty people here. That other one over there is a mess,
Your costs are $80NZ a year for the webhosting, so what other costs are there to run this site??
(21-10-2021, 01:25 PM)crafters_corner Wrote: Your costs are $80NZ a year for the webhosting, so what other costs are there to run this site??
Mostly my time, but I will likely be needing to upgrade the webhosting package which will allow automated backups and more storage.
I may need to pay an administrator to look after the maintenance of the site, as ive been quite busy as of late.

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