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Labour is DONE
Kinda feel sorry for Kiri Allan, she was one of the better MPs that Labour has.
But ultimately the party failed here miserably knowing the issues she was going through.
I hope she gets the support she needs.
Unapologetic NZ first voter, white cis male, climate change skeptic.
Just Labour?

Not so long ago we had everyone looking forward to a new normal, to building back better, to let's do this, and all the other slogans. And what did we get?

A lost opportunity. Back to well off men in suits telling us they are doing it for us. Well, they can fuck off, I'm watching the minor parties swell, and the majors just doing the same old same old.

No wonder the brighter sparks are failing...
Yes, soon it will be just fat businessmen running the country again as always to make more money for themselves and friends (old school mates).
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
(24-07-2023, 10:56 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Just Labour?

Not so long ago we had everyone looking forward to a new normal, to building back better, to let's do this, and all the other slogans. And what did we get?

A lost opportunity. Back to well off men in suits telling us they are doing it for us. Well, they can fuck off, I'm watching the minor parties swell, and the majors just doing the same old same old.

No wonder the brighter sparks are failing...

I really feel that I have no choice but to vote Green (& possibly Labour, not sure yet) because I have great grandchildren & the Greens appear to be the only party willing to actually do something to clean up the mess we've made & prevent more of it so there's a better chance for our descendants to live on a planet which IS livable.

That said, its extremely interesting that the Maori party has said it wants to tackle both poverty & the environment...really, its past time that ALL political parties did so.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Kiri's miscreance is yet another example of an individual's failure to cope in the current social and economic maelstrom we are finding ourselves in. Not surprising that a relatively young and inexperienced minister has lost their psychological equalibrium with the pressures that our parliament is presently under. There is no shortage of individuals in our society who are falling off the wagon psychologically as increasing crime and social upheavals indicate and to be one of those placed with governing the present shitshow that our society is becoming would be stressful and mentally demanding massively.

No surprises that those in the media and opposing political parties will see this as an opportunity to make gains as the election looms closer but National has little depth in its ranks as their difficulties in replacing leaders who have fallen by the wayside over this political term makes obvious. ACT consists of one outspoken wannabe with a rabble of subservient lackeys in tow so an even worse outlook for political stability if they are to gain a parliamentary foothold. NZ First (aka Winston's resurrection party) are campaigning on what seems to be regurgitated US RW political retoric, and isn't the US going swimmingly. The Greens will gain strongly from disinfranchised Labour voters if the Kiri Allan situation isn't quickly rectified but again a relatively inexperienced group of politicians.

What does appear likely is that the minor parties will feature strongly in the election results as the two major parties continue to fall by the wayside due to an inexperienced political perspective in Luxon's case and MPs blowing out due to work pressures in Labour's case.

The chances of NZ gaining a stable government off the end of the coming election looks unlikely but until world economic, climatic, social and geopolitical issues are more settled it doesn't really matter who we vote in or out in that respect but what is important is having a government that can see beyond solely economic factors as the environment and climate rapidly align to kick our arses mightily.
(24-07-2023, 12:12 PM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(24-07-2023, 10:56 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Just Labour?

Not so long ago we had everyone looking forward to a new normal, to building back better, to let's do this, and all the other slogans. And what did we get?

A lost opportunity. Back to well off men in suits telling us they are doing it for us. Well, they can fuck off, I'm watching the minor parties swell, and the majors just doing the same old same old.

No wonder the brighter sparks are failing...

I really feel that I have no choice but to vote Green (& possibly Labour, not sure yet) because I have great grandchildren & the Greens appear to be the only party willing to actually do something to clean up the mess we've made & prevent more of it so there's a better chance for our descendants to live on a planet which IS livable.

That said, its extremely interesting that the Maori party has said it wants to tackle both poverty & the environment...really, its past time that ALL political parties did so.

The greens can't do jack shit for our environment, especially when it comes to climate change.
Our co2 emissions are a drop in the world's bucket.
They would rather see NZ farmers walk off the land due to fart taxes imposed on them and a huge inflation of food prices. Their policies would be devastating to this country.
All because of some fictional ideology.
China and the rest of the world burn billions of tonnes of coal, gas and oil, yet they think our fraction of a percentage reduced globally is going to save the planet.
If the economy is to be saved, we need to remove all this BS carbon tax off our petrol yesterday.
Where has all that money even gone? I don't see any of it going to rebuild Hawkes bay after the floods, the govt must have collected billions of dollars worth of carbon tax from our petrol by now, yet nothing to show for it, nor any evidence it's saved us from "extreme weather events"

People are struggling to buy food as it is and yet people are happy for the greens to tax the shit out of farmers and make food even more unaffordable.
Unapologetic NZ first voter, white cis male, climate change skeptic.
Whoopdeedo! Because there is legal slavery in other countries that means I can get me a minion to do the dishes and iron my sheets? Or because other countries engage in inhumane weapons development and sales, I can carry a machete strapped to the back of the scoot to deal to them as get in my way?

It's the same argument. And just as stupid...

The Greens and Te Pati Maori are at least not playing ostrich like the majors. And people are starting to recognise the fact. I mean, I have even heard some are thinking of voting for the minorest of the minors...
(24-07-2023, 12:12 PM)harm_less Wrote: "....until world economic, climatic, social and geopolitical issues are more settled it doesn't really matter who we vote in or out in that respect but what is important is having a government that can see beyond solely economic factors as the environment and climate rapidly align to kick our arses mightily."

I don't see that these issues, or any others, are ever going to become more settled:  we are facing unknown times and probably the end of life as we know it, as environmental disaster and global heating continue.    What we need is a government which can move as decisively and quickly as Labour did when faced with Covid-19; that will be our best chance of getting through each new disaster with as few lives lost as possible. 

I will continue to vote for Labour.
Some sense from Stuff opinion writer...
(24-07-2023, 03:02 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Some sense from Stuff opinion writer...

"Our moral imperative around adaptation should include our responsibility to our poor in New Zealand, and our vulnerable South Pacific nations.

With the world burning and flooding at the same time, with our oceans heating up and our biodiversity collapsing, our grandchildren deserve practical political leadership focused on practical solutions.

What they don’t deserve is the pothole politics of chucking kids into prison, racial dog whistling and the perpetration of a system where the wealthy minority pay less tax than the poor."

If only that lot in the Beehive - & all the other politicians in the world - would get off their overfed backsides & do what has to be done, then we might have a small chance for the generations to come to live reasonable lives.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
What happened to The McGillicuddy Serious Party ? I don't want to vote for clowns this time around, we need a party aware of the issue of the day.
In and out of jobs, running free
Waging war with society
(24-07-2023, 05:34 PM)Zurdo Wrote: What happened to The  McGillicuddy Serious  Party ?  I don't want to vote for clowns this time around, we need a party aware of the issue of the day.

Pronounced dead some time ago sadly, although the corpse did give a final twitch back in 2018.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
it aint going to be a landslide victory for any party this time around... the winning parties will be the ones that haven't ruled out working with others...
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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(24-07-2023, 01:13 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Whoopdeedo! Because there is legal slavery in other countries that means I can get me a minion to do the dishes and iron my sheets? Or because other countries engage in inhumane weapons development and sales, I can carry a machete strapped to the back of the scoot to deal to them as get in my way?

It's the same argument. And just as stupid...

The Greens and Te Pati Maori are at least not playing ostrich like the majors. And people are starting to recognise the fact. I mean, I have even heard some are thinking of voting for the minorest of the minors...

Well no party in our governments history has pledged to stop the importation of all the crap we sell here out of China with some or all of it made with slave labour, their human rights are appalling and we support it.
Buy NZ made.
Unapologetic NZ first voter, white cis male, climate change skeptic.
There is slavery here and very little is being done to stop it.
What success stories have labour had over the past 6 years?

Kiwibuild was an absolute failure
Three Waters and the Water Services Act is a fuster cluck
Crime is through the roof
Drunk driving MPs
Education is in a downward spiral
Roads are a mess
The foreign buyer ban did absolutely nothing
Nationals recent success story

Managed to keep a leader longer than a year

looking hopeful... Smile
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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(25-07-2023, 10:36 AM)jilledge Wrote: What success stories have labour had over the past 6 years?

Kiwibuild was an absolute failure
Three Waters and the Water Services Act is a fuster cluck
Crime is through the roof
Drunk driving MPs
Education is in a downward spiral
Roads are a mess
The foreign buyer ban did absolutely nothing
There are 10s of 1,000s of NZers who are still alive who wouldn't have been is not for the COVID containment measures that were implemented.

Spending on road maintenance has actually risen but not as fast as the damage that is being caused by the 50+tonne HGVs that the previous National government allowed.

The amount of spending on wastewater, stormwater and potable water systems by most councils has been sadly lacking for decades. Unsafe drinking water and extreme urban flooding are just two examples of this. Who and how do you suggest these issues should be addressed if the councils are too timid to raise rates sufficiently to do a decent job of infrastructure maintenance?

News coverage has stated that crime levels have not risen significantly but the nature of that crime and the high media profile it is gaining have risen however.

An overstressed MP who had a drink too many to be legally allowed to drive is a long way from a very pissed PM who called the 'Schnapps' election. The dirty political gains that Luxon and co are trying to derive from this event are an absolutely disgraceful portrayal of National's management style.

So far as the less than stellar success stories from Labour's last 9 years tack a look at other OECD countries performance in comparison to see that those same negative factors are in play worldwide and that we're actually doing better than most.
Talking to a Canadienne friend she reports their health system is under enormous pressure - it isn't just us as you say.

And when you compare performances of the previous governments the current lot are doing rather well - and once again, no, I did not vote Labour, and will not this time round.

(25-07-2023, 10:36 AM)jilledge Wrote: What success stories have labour had over the past 6 years?

Kiwibuild was an absolute failure
Three Waters and the Water Services Act is a fuster cluck
Crime is through the roof
Drunk driving MPs
Education is in a downward spiral
Roads are a mess
The foreign buyer ban did absolutely nothing

Built a hell of a lot more housing than the previous lot...

Btw, the drop in education achievement is down to the adoption of National Standards, a system that was rejected or tossed out by other nations at the same time our National Party leaders put it in place...

Three Waters is meeting opposition because it doesn't suit the agendas of those with their own agendas rather than an nationwide environmental one...

As for the foreign buyer ban, well, there's a missing real estate agent...
(25-07-2023, 10:47 AM)king1 Wrote: Nationals recent success story

Managed to keep a leader longer than a year

looking hopeful... Smile
It is indeed.
(25-07-2023, 10:54 AM)harm_less Wrote:
(25-07-2023, 10:36 AM)jilledge Wrote: What success stories have labour had over the past 6 years?

Kiwibuild was an absolute failure
Three Waters and the Water Services Act is a fuster cluck
Crime is through the roof
Drunk driving MPs
Education is in a downward spiral
Roads are a mess
The foreign buyer ban did absolutely nothing
There are 10s of 1,000s of NZers who are still alive who wouldn't have been is not for the COVID containment measures that were implemented

Only time will tell if that was ever worth it.
It's debatable how many would have died if you compare to other countries such as sweeden that did zero lockdowns.
This government had blown half a billion dollars on RAT tests that are being thrown out.
Bloody ridiculous, they are still burning through a billion dollars a week right now. Who pays? Your children, grand children and great grand children, that's who!
Unapologetic NZ first voter, white cis male, climate change skeptic.

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