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You can never have enough...
(03-11-2023, 03:21 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I agree with Madame, after a rapid and somewhat urgent scoot down to the village in the rain. Still, I seized the opportunity and brought home more wine and more books.

I also dropped off my little handheld compressor to the local bike shop because using it is getting beyond my bendability. They were delighted and have promised me a lifetime of free tyre pumps. Now that's a bargain I can live with!

Oh, that's an excellent bargain, well done them! Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile It's overcast this morning but we're expecting a hot day.

Well, yes, Lilith, of course the rain is your fault lol.

What a cool idea to give the bike shop your compressor, OHH Smile A great trade!

My sister-in-law is visiting today, she wants to visit different garden centers, I'll go with her as we need a few more vegie plants Tongue

We've noticed the Fluffy One is having difficulty getting off the sofa. When she visited last, she was fine, but age is certainly catching up with her. This visit she has also stopped wanting to be on our bed. We wouldn't let her up last time as it was too high for her to jump off and we didn't want those arthritic bones jarring, this time she isn't even asking. But for 17 years of age, she's doing remarkably well.

Time to get organised, my sister-in-law will be here soon. We have planned for an early start.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Its a beautiful morning here. It has rained overnight tho.

Awesome of the bike shop Hunni. We discovered a relation of MrP's owns the bike shop here.

Did a Mad dash to new world late yesterday to get a frying pan and pot for my sister friend in CHCH. They had run out down there. Between 3 of us we had enough stickers to get those for her. Ill send them down next week.

Kiwimade Missy is only 9.5 and already having "Bad" days when she cant jump like normal. I have stools in my bedroom so she can get to the windows and a crate beside the bed. Hard to see them when they cant do what they used to. My friends Foxy hasnt had any more seizures this week, but is quite wobbly if he has been laying down for an extended time.

I have some clothes to put away, and if the lawn dries I will mow the back. but basically the weekend is all mine. I did find the sparkly yarn so I might start a stocking.. Or I might just make some next year for next Christmas sales. Although I could probably get a couple done for this year.. Yeah I might do that. lol

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
MrK is building a ramp for the Furry & Fluffy Ones so they can get onto the bed Big Grin Heart

My sister-in-law is due here shortly. Washing is hung out and all the usual morning jobs done, including doing 'the rounds' of the garden with the dogs. It's quite the ritual and heaven help me if I'm late or don't do it lol.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Overcast few rain showers.

Late night last night home after 11pm k9s Still up usual 6am. I was hoping they might  sleep  in.

Got some Sileo plan on giving one k9 boy a dose tonight as it will be fine and no doubt there  will be fireworks  let off.
We live on Hill off valley so get to see and hear more than if we lived on the flat.

No sure what I will get up to today my creative  mojo is low at the moment,  might crumb piece my quilt scraps to make more fabric mindless fun

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning all
Fine day

Blo...dy fireworks, 1 very distressed boy k9 the other boy was ok until 11pm when bods at the back of us let off their boom box it was so loud.  The new med helped a bit but not as much that I would purchase more it is very expensive too si I guess I wanted it to provide greaterresponse Ended up caging boy 1  to keep him safe
During all this I had a thought noise cancelling headphones for dogs Googled them and they are a thing .
I guess we will have more fireworks tonight not looking forward  to that.

Finished the fish n chip vest I was knitting last night  nice quick project.

Not sure what I will get up to today other than pile laundry.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Another gorgeous day today by the looks of it.

We had a bit of drama yesterday with the Fluffy One attacking my sister-in-law's border collie cross. We have never seen her behave that way. She knows the dog so there was no reason for us to think this would happen. So, she was shut in the bedroom until we were ready to go (wasn't long) and took her with us. We stopped for lunch at a cafe and luckily they had water bowls out for dogs so we knew it was 'doggy friendly' and she was able to sit with us while we ate. We came home late afternoon, put sister-in-law's dog on a lead and put the Fluffy One back in the bedroom (with water and windows open) until she left. What a palaver. Never again will we have the Fluffy One with my sister-in-law's dog. It was just too scary and not worth the risk to either dog. We've decided whoever visits first, if the other wants to come at the same time, their dog stays home. The Furry One and the two bigger dogs are fine together, play well and respect each other. But the Fluffy One was a real princess. It could be age or it could be she is unwell and we don't know. I'll talk to my sister about it as there is no way she can control this type of situation with her damaged shoulder and arthritis if it happens to her while out and about. I literally had to drag the Fluffy One off my sister-in-law's dog. Not the safest thing with doggy teeth!

In spite of that, we had a great time browsing the garden centers. I don't often get to really look, it's usually buy what we need and go. And one very tuckered out Fluffy One slept like a rock. Today I'll plant a couple of plants my sister-in-law traded me for some plants from our garden and the replacement climbing rose, Madam Alfred Carriere (sp). A white climber to mix with Dublin Bay.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

The sun is out one said and dark clouds out the back. It was lovely yesterday. Not too hot, although I did have the fan on for a few minutes after doing the lawn.
Nice and long but for a little machine she just ploughs through it. My Stepfather would be impressed. We both mowed lawns for a job. I do need to get the blade sharpened tho. I have MrP's grinder but I really dont like sparks flying everywhere. My stepfather did the blades for me when he was alive. I could try wearing gloves and doing it, but I didnt even like being in the garage if MrP was using the grinder either.

Oh Kiwimade Dogs fighting well any animals fighting is distressing. Hope they are all ok now. Could be that the one who went nasty has something underlying.

I knitted a whole Stocking yesterday, minus the hanging tag. Which wont take long, cast on knit 3 rows and cast off lol. Ill do another today hopefully.

I have a mountain of clothes to put away. Need to pop up to the supermarket, but otherwise I can sit and knit.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I'd blame the border collie myself, way too intelligent for their own good those dogs. They need miles of green grass and a few sheep to bully to be really happy...

I'm on the Fluff's side.
Good morning.

Looking like another lovely, sunny day.

We still have DIL and GD staying with us with GD keeping everyone on their toes with her 'busyness'. 

I agree Mica .... bl@@dy fireworks. They started here in the pouring rain during the day, probably not long after they were on the market Rolleyes They have been going off ever since, doesn't matter what time of the day or night. We have made a den in the bottom of the cupboard where Canine sleeps at night for a retreat ... she is a quivering mess anyway. How I (and apparently 75% of the country) wish they were only let off in approved public display situations.

The dog fight would have been scary KM, do you think it could have been a case of 2's company, 3's a crowd?

A slow day today with some of us not getting the best night's sleep. I have nearly finished the puerperium cardi I'm working on, just the bottom band to do. The garden is calling out for a tidy up after all the rain.

Time for morning coffee.

Have a good day all.
MrK and I have talked about the dog fight and we have come to the conclusion it was the Border collie's fault. The Fluffy One warned him she didn't want to play with the 'no, buggar off growl' dogs use but it was ignored and the border collie persisted. The Fluffy One, at the tender age of 17 decided enough, listen to your elders and decided to teach the border collie a lesson in manners. The border collie being the teenager she is, pushed the boundries one step too far.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(05-11-2023, 09:03 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: MrK and I have talked about the dog fight and we have come to the conclusion it was the Border collie's fault.  The Fluffy One warned him she didn't want to play with the 'no, buggar off growl' dogs use but it was ignored and the border collie persisted.  The Fluffy One, at the tender age of 17 decided enough, listen to your elders and decided to teach the border collie a lesson in manners.  The border collie being the teenager she is, pushed the boundries one step too far.

All about the young one pushing boundaries with the older one doesn't hurt them to be put in their place in the pack.

Reinforcing where the fluffy one is in your pack hierarchy  always feed the border after the other two, greet last etc
You be top wolf Big Grin
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
That can't have been fun KM, its always slightly scary when that happens. Perhaps just the fluffy one getting older which isw understandable.

Idiots out there last night with fireworks - why do people always go for the loudest ones fgs?!! Madame Le Dog was not happy but Madame Le Cat just ignored it. Absolutely tipping down now so hopefully no more today or tonight.
Apparently, there's now a majority of Kiwis who want fireworks banned apart from public displays, so I do wish one of our govts would listen & fix the problem. It would be a kindness for distressed animals & their humans & is really just plain common sense.

Went for a very short walk this morning due to the rain, we both got quite wet so just as well we didn't do our usual longer weekend walk.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
ohh they all know the pecking order here. Me, MrK, the Furry One, the Fluffy One and then any extras after that. Luckily the other dogs were going home so no food or treats for any of them until they had gone. The Fluffy One tries to sit where I usually sit lol but I only have to look at her and she will move. My sister is stunned lol as she never does that for her. Told her it's all about showing who is the leader of the pack, and here it's me or MrK. She knows the rules here Smile But the border collie is still young and is learning the hard way. Trouble is the border collie is also a rescue dog, so we have no idea about her background. She's nervous around men and we suspect a male has hurt her in some way. Her behaviour around MrK is certainly improving Heart as she's learning he will never hurt her. We think she was also never socialised as a pup which would account for her not always reading the signals other dogs give.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(05-11-2023, 09:03 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: MrK and I have talked about the dog fight and we have come to the conclusion it was the Border collie's fault.  The Fluffy One warned him she didn't want to play with the 'no, buggar off growl' dogs use but it was ignored and the border collie persisted.  The Fluffy One, at the tender age of 17 decided enough, listen to your elders and decided to teach the border collie a lesson in manners.  The border collie being the teenager she is, pushed the boundries one step too far.

I knew it! High five to me...  Big Grin

Right. Laundry, tick. Kitchen floor, tick. Bathroom floor, tick. Vacuum the rest, tick. Shower scrubbed, tick. Kitty litter box, tick.

Those bloody aquarium lights with the incomprehensible instructions? Back in their box.

Oh well, can't win them all. Must be wine time...
I have to admit I dont like Border Collies.. a friends mother used to breed them and do the competitions. but she had 3-4 and if you walked past them in their cages you could have very easily lost your hearing. And they never sit still. Foxies are energetic enough but the collies are worse, in my book lol.

Madam Missy seems to have decided that the left corner of the chair foot is her spot. So Im on an angle with the lappy on my knee lol.. it works

I have had a lazy day. Did the hanging hook for yesterdays stocking and one for todays. I've done the foot part of the next so straight knitting while I watch tv tonight.

I've also got the ingredients ready to get up at sparrows fart tomorrow to make bread. So that by the time Im up and ready to leave for visiting it will be cold enough to take the grumpy one the crust and a slice. Ill probably take a sandwich to have with the gang, which I suspect could lead me to be making an early start the following Monday too. But I wont be telling MrP about that one lol

He decided to tell me he needs a new watch. Which he got a Big sigh as a reply. I told him last time that was his last. Same with the phone. Ill have to see if one of my stretchy ones is working, if not then he will have to just leave his watch on the table and pick it up and look at it.

World on Fire is on again tonight Yay
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Doesn't his phone have the time?
(05-11-2023, 06:10 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Doesn't his phone have the time?

Yep but he doesn't know how to look at things like that. He only knows how to answer and hang up the phone. nothing else. 
And he is an old dog who refuses to learn new tricks. His tray table is beside him 24/7 so he can sit his watch on that
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning everyone,

Chilly this morning.

Is it lunchtime yet? lol... No not really but since I woke up at 4-20am I put the bread on then. Its now baking and will be out just before 8am. Thankfully I am able to sleep through Anything... Apparently when we were babies there was a train track behind where we lived. I can sleep through lawnmowers, Kirby vacuums etc. So I re woke at 6-15 lol

Off to visit MrP and then the gang. He's still a little snappy, which annoys me a little. But he really should feel grateful. I think if he hadn't been in the homes he would have gone by now. And his view is way better than what you get here.

I finished the second stocking last night. Ill take them to show the gang. They like seeing what I have been up to. Then Ill sew them up and try and sell them. Its a really simple pattern and perfect for no looking knitting. I have a ball of variegated red white and green wool. I might do one of those and see how it turns out. Its certainly not my cup of tea but others might like it.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile We're in for a cracker of a day today, nice and warm with very little breeze.

The house is back to so-called normal with only the Furry One and us. Explained the new 'rules' about dogs visiting here to my sister and she agreed. It's not often all the dogs cross paths like that but we aren't taking any chances. The Fluffy One is so old, I think it won't matter in a year or so.

MrK put the wire up along the fenceline for me yesterday ready for the next camelia to be espaliered. By the time we're finished pretty much the whole fence will have espaliered camelias. Easy care and it looks great.

There wasn't a lot of fireworks last evening. Being rural makes a difference, I think. I also agree they should be banned. When Luxton was asked about banning them, he said no, they are loosing popularity and will fade out in time. Hmmmm.... time will tell.

Today I need to empty the incinerator and burn the last of the garden waste. Once the fire bans kick in I'll start my pile up again.

The car goes in for it's WoF today, MrK takes charge of that. We know it will need tyres, more $$$$. But it's not something we can avoid. If need be, our mechanic has agreed we can pay it over three months. We've done the WINZ thing years ago and it dragged on and on and I hated it. Would rather bite the bullet and pay it off quickly.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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