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Who still uses Firefox?
Im still using FF . Just habit I guess, Ive been using it since the Netscape days .

I have chrome installed & use that for banking & Netflix
FF for all other stuff : everyday browsing .
I am still using Firefox. Happy with it.
No intention to change, yet.
I did have a hissy fit with FF some time ago but soon went back. It suits me and I like being able to change the vertical scroll bar to the left side. Now if someone could tell me how to change Stuff's new theme colours that would be good. I like to have a quiet read of Stuff on my PC with my early morning coffee and I find the new colour scheme distracting and hurts my eyes. Looking elsewhere for my morning news.
Chrome updates Incognito warning to admit Google tracks users in “private” mode
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
(17-01-2024, 09:04 PM)nzoomed Wrote:
(17-01-2024, 01:27 PM)Agent_24 Wrote: Of course I still use Firefox (and its derivatives), what else are you going to use to block all the stupid advertising?

Google has made it clear they want to prevent adblocker extensions working in the future on Chrome, and since everything aside from Firefox is based on Chrome now, the choice is obvious.

Was reading this article earlier.
I dont use adblock, so have not noticed anything, i only use ublock origin.

But if things really get out of hand, I think I will be installing a pihole and block all advertising traffic in the whole home, that way, in theory chrome or whatever browser you use should not be able to tell, since no adblocker is required to be installed on the PC.

I haven't noticed issues with uBlock origin either. Although I have heard of others having issues, solved with a clean and update of the blocklists. I also run NoScript and only allow essential components. So many websites these days are absolutely clogged full of utterly unnecessary garbage.

My router (running Gargoyle) has a basic blocklist running also, which stops a lot of things, but it won't stop YouTube ads effectively. So I still need uBlock origin, or a 3rd party program like FreeTube or NewPipe etc.

I don't know if Pi-hole is better, I haven't tried it.
I'm still a happy Firefox and Thunderbird user.
I only have two extensions... Malwarebytes Browser Guard and Google Analytics Opt-Out.
It works fine, and I don't know what everyone else sees in terms of ads, because I see round about zero ads.
Once in a blue moon Youtube will succeed in slipping an ad in, but that is it.

Firefox + MB Browser Guard seems pretty good at keeping all the sh#t at bay.
I am also happy with Firefox and Thunderbird. I see no need to change at present.
I use both. Have adblocking on both.
Me Smile
Im not trying to be difficult it just comes naturally.

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