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You can never have enough...
Morning all
Another Stella day worth the nippy starts

Happy birthday Popeye

KM Backstreet Bargins have UV outdoor fabric. Their fabrics usually good price too.

Need to do bit housework,  sheets washing etc. Plan on more sorting today books and laundry cupboard  Going to start on my quilt stash this week  plan on being ruthless ( yeah right) really I will try very hard .

K9s are stretched out in sun seems a pity that they are about to be disturbed by my flurry of activity

Enjoy  your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Thank you for the birthday wishes.

Looks like a beautiful day here too...

I wish I could do my lawn.. Im going to have to get someone in to tame it I think. Patch isn't here to do it now and he broke his ride on not long after he did mine on my birthday Last year.

I made the trifle yesterday, and a steamed pudding.. Did a load of washing and with other normal stuff ended up pretty sore and tired. But its nice to be doing normal stuff too. A small load of washing today, and 3 small baskets to put away. Thats the main thing I want to do. Might have to break it into 2, but that's fine. I get it done.

So much for a quiet weekend lol.. But it means Ill have a quiet week for the two drs appointments. And thankfully they are at both ends of the week .

My Lily buds are still firmly shut. Cant wait to see them bloom. Have managed to keep Madam away from them so far.

Ohh Kiwimade must be sad to see a dog with Dementia. I didnt know they could get it.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Another gorgeous day looming.  Making the most of it. 

Happy birthday Popeye ... enjoy a relaxing day. 

I think my old feline was heading towards dementia, I was locking him inside not long after he'd done his morning outdoor round in fear he'd get lost!

We have cut up and added the carpet runways on the floor for the canine, lol. What we do for our pets  Big Grin 

About to divide for the jacket fronts and backs.  Need to keep my wits about me for pattern and decreasing stitches!

No plan for the day,  plenty always to do ... just a matter of prioritising especially while the weather still so good!

Enjoy the day all.
All you can do is try, mica lol.  Backstreet Bargains are still around?? omg I thought they were long gone lol.  I remember shopping there 40 odd years ago.

Kettle is on for a cuppa, the car is loaded with old bricks and a begonia for my sister-in-law, and the garden patch partially dug over.  The clods are breaking up beautifully and the soil is a gorgeous rich, dark colour.  It has taken years to get it like that so feeling quite chuffed.  Overall, a productive start to the day.

Kettle has boiled, will take our cuppa out into the sun. Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
You're an inspiration to keep me motivated KM! 

Coffee finished so will get out there and get the last of the weeds out of the veg garden ready for 1 of our 2 compost bins to be emptied and dug in! The bottom layer of my worm could do with emptying as well.
omg where did she get her energy from? The Fluffy One decided she was a pup again and was racing around outside with the Furry One. For all of a minute lol but she looked very pleased with herself lol. It was enough for her to crash in the sunshine on the floor. And of course we have to step over her. I didn't know that either, popeye. It would seem dogs can have a lot of conditions/illnesses we have.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Anything with a brain can get dementia. And it isn't always age either, there is childhood dementia. That would be even harder to deal with I should think. Good way to reduce the chances of our own falling apart is to keep learning - and not just easy stuff, the hard stuff that really challenges us. Our brains have to make new pathways to cope and that staves off the deterioration of aged neurological habits. Rust, in other words, rust and ruts are not good for any thinking creature.

But oh that day is beautiful out there. I have had to come in, I got too hot. Good excuse to read, this book is full of words I have never come across before. True pleasure...
I had a brief feeling of pleasure when I heard that revolting ex cop Brad Shrimpton had dementia for the last decade - but probably his loved ones if he had any left suffered more than him
(05-05-2024, 12:56 PM)JanW Wrote: I had a brief feeling of pleasure when I heard that revolting ex cop Brad Shrimpton had dementia for the last decade - but probably his loved ones if he had any left suffered more than him

I hope they didn't, JanW. I tend not to ill wish anyone but he's deserving of being an exception. Dodgy
The world is a better place..
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(05-05-2024, 12:59 PM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(05-05-2024, 12:56 PM)JanW Wrote: I had a brief feeling of pleasure when I heard that revolting ex cop Brad Shrimpton had dementia for the last decade - but probably his loved ones if he had any left suffered more than him

I hope they didn't, JanW. I tend not to ill wish anyone but he's deserving of being an exception. Dodgy
The world is a better place..
Me too Lilith but he was one man who did so much harm to so many women - but at least police culture changed for the better after he was exposed
(05-05-2024, 01:37 PM)JanW Wrote:
(05-05-2024, 12:59 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: I hope they didn't, JanW. I tend not to ill wish anyone but he's deserving of being an exception. Dodgy
The world is a better place..
Me too Lilith but he was one man who did so much harm to so many women - but at least police culture changed for the better after he was exposed

Yeah, that's perhaps the one good thing to come out of it all.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I was pleased to hear he had gone too. An utter creep. Hope he is dealt with, where ever he went.

I've had a 50/50 day.. Washing and putting away 3 baskets of dry washing. Finally finished the hospital bag. And hung another load of washing, all this morning.

Leg is swollen again, so pain meds at lunch.. been writing out recipes this afternoon. Enjoyed it actually.

She didn't say what she wanted so I did a mix of Cakes, loaves, cookies, unbaked slices, my sponge recipe and a microwave carrot cake.. Gives her plenty to choose from. I hope they become her faves too.

Been a good day
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Popeye, you can get lawnmowing covered on your disability allowance.

And... no wonder the leg is swollen. You are pushing your luck. Slow up and take things more gently. Sez she, wagging her finger...
morning ladies Smile We can see the rain front coming over, rain is on its way.

We were also pleased to hear that creep had died. Now for the rest of that pack of mongrels. I believe there is a special place for vile people like him when they die.

Today we are taking a boot full of old bricks to my sister-in-law who is building steps on a sloping part of her property. We have two big, stacked piles of them and they have been sitting there for years with MrK saying, 'I'll find a use for them' but they still sit there. So, when his sister asked if she could have them, it was omg yesss!!! lol. She will be here on Wednesday so can take another boot load home with her.

The builder sent us his bill which was a copy and paste of the quote. Ummm... no, I'm not paying as there was work quoted for that we didn't need done and so was left. Go back and send us the correct bill for work actually done. MrK wonders how many people just pay without checking. No chance of us doing that lol.

Coffee's finished and the washing machine has beeped. I think I'll take a chance on the weather and hang it out.. I like to live dangerously Tongue Tongue

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

It's cloudy out there ... I wonder if the rain will arrive.  Of course it will,  I have school/kindy run!

Take it easy with the leg Popeye. 2 months later and Mr R's leg swelling is finally settling down ... do too much, the leg will tell you!

No plan for today, will play it by ear around the GC's.

Always good to put a pile of something to good use KM whether it's for you or someone else.

Just listening to the topic of dogs in cafes (or not) on TV. No in my book, outside ok for one that can sit quietly out of anyone's way!

Had better move. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

Wet and cool here.

Heck I thought I was resting my leg.. oops.. I sort of rest for half the day, thinking that was enough.. Umm better rethink things.
Was up at 4am and then promptly had a Saddie. I wasn't cut out for this inactivity, the swelling, pain I can manage. I guess Im worried too that if I sit and do nothing Ill put weight back on too. I also think the odd walking is affecting my hip and spine too. Have the Drs appointment today, I hope he doesn't tell me off.

Listening to the Dogs in Cafe things too.. I wonder what happens if there is a person who is allergic to dogs, already in and eating and a dog is allowed in.. It could get messy. Perhaps have certain cafes for those who want to take their dogs too, I think there are already cat ones.

I will rest today.. I promise. Its 7 weeks on Thursday

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Rain overnight sunny at moment.

Been to gym hard work out today some days are harder than others.

Got quite a bit sorted yesterday so off to op shop later this morning. Dermatologist  this afternoon for melanoma  check.

Need to make up another sewing project for sewing retreat so might do that later today.

Jersey that I am knitting for DGD1 is coming along I am being good and resting my thumb it is hard just sitting watching the TV.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I broke my op shop drought on Saturday, and popped in to the Sallies. Had to exercise extreme discipline over the most beautiful big wooden tray that had a graphic of feathers across its floor - seven dollars! But way too big for me, I'd only use it for decor, and I do have too many as it is. But oh has it played on my acquisitive little monkey mind, lol...

I do love pretty things!
Sweetie darling no.3's kids came to visit me, with newest great grandson, lovely to see them. Youngest grandson's partner's gran died suddenly a while back which I think gave him a bit of a shock & brough it home to him that anyone can be gone in the blnk of an eye, especially older people, so he rounded up his two siblings & they now come to visit their ancient gran once a month.
His older brother (oldest grandson) noticed the stickers I'd put on things in the china cabinet, & asked why I'd done that. So told him its so his mum & dad don't have too much to do with who gets what once I exit stage left.

Apparently, I'm not allowed to die till at I'm at least ninety.

He may be in for a surprise...Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Have just been to a street morning tea - had the most delicious scone topping which I intend to try on toast - apricot jam with half a feijoa that had been sliced longways so it laid quite flat - delicious delicious delicious- not sure if it is a common pairing but I have never tried it before plus I didn’t realise the scooping a feijoa out longways results in less waste - productive morning in more ways than one it pays to have a councillor move into your street - the street sweeper comes regularly and the creek running behind our properties has never been so clear - lots of ducks arriving to stay safe from the duck shooters
My Mum had put labels on everything - the grandchildren used to swap the labels - My mum never missed a beat used to just change them back - I must admit she mis matched some of her treasures and I ended up with a couple of pieces of furniture she left my kids that just didn’t fit into their wives interior designs

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