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You can never have enough...
Good morning. 

Lovely sunshine ... the day looks promising.

I have never had pickled pork! Will keep an eye open for it next time at the s/market.

No plan for the day.  Will finish off sewing up the cardi later and see what I can find in the button stash ... if any. 

I have plenty of ideas for the jacket embroidery including pics of tiny fairies to put among flowers! Your jacket sounds to be progressing well KM.

That warm holiday sounds good Mica

Enjoy the day all.
Just looked.

They tried to take another $66usd.. cost me $2 in exchange rate, Yes Ill be phoning the bank.. but at least they couldn't get anymore
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
When someone hacked our credit card after I made a purchase from an overseas company (I had bought there before and had no issues) the bank told me they take a little hoping you won't notice (amazing how many don't check their balances regularly) then they do the 'big one' and take the lot. If your card has been stopped, they shouldn't have been able to access it.

Eggs are coming down in price Smile Bought a tray of #7 for $15. Three weeks ago, it was $17. Our local greengrocer is much cheaper than supermarkets egg-wise. Our supermarket has the same tray for just under $20.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
My dentist adventure is getting stressful. Having finished the antibiotic course and got myself psyched up for the extraction I get postponed because the dentist is ill, twice. So now the antibiotic cover is running out and I have to either do another course or find another dentist... Who of course will need to repeat the drugs anyway. And I hate antibiotics, especially used this way because of the danger of building resistance.

It is obviously not my week.

Just as well I have plenty of handwork to keep my stress levels damped down! Seeing I can't drown my sorrows with those bloody pills on board, grrrrr...
This tickled my fancy as my Mum would say - Robie started off with a part time uni job
(25-07-2024, 11:19 AM)Jan Wrote: This tickled my fancy as my Mum would say - Robie started off with a part time uni job

Good on them. They will do well.

They understand you have to work hard, save hard but also they have plans. None of this drifiting through life.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
There used to be a saying - if you want to make the Gods laugh, tell them your plans.

Looking at my life, the Gods have certainly enjoyed themselves.
(25-07-2024, 12:52 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: There used to be a saying - if you want to make the Gods laugh, tell them your plans.

Looking at my life, the Gods have certainly enjoyed themselves.

Mine would say.. Man shes been boring lol..

I need to do something about that.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(25-07-2024, 10:07 AM)I'm pleased to tell you that it doesn't necessarily work like that. The antibiotics would have been prescribed because you had an infection under the tooth (abcess). That happened to me, but the antibiotics would have hopefully killed the infection so the tooth can still be extracted any time (as long as the infection is not still there). Wrote: Oh_hunnihunni
My dentist adventure is getting stressful. Having finished the antibiotic course and got myself psyched up for the extraction I get postponed because the dentist is ill, twice. So now the antibiotic cover is running out and I have to either do another course or find another dentist... Who of course will need to repeat the drugs anyway.  And I hate antibiotics, especially used this way because of the danger of building resistance.

It is obviously not my week.

Just as well I have plenty of handwork to keep my stress levels damped down! Seeing I can't drown my sorrows with those bloody pills on board, grrrrr...
(25-07-2024, 07:03 PM)Outsider Wrote:
(25-07-2024, 10:07 AM)I'm pleased to tell you that it doesn't necessarily work like that. The antibiotics would have been prescribed because you had an infection under the tooth (abcess). That happened to me, but the antibiotics would have hopefully killed the infection so the tooth can still be extracted any time (as long as the infection is not still there). Wrote: Oh_hunnihunni
My dentist adventure is getting stressful. Having finished the antibiotic course and got myself psyched up for the extraction I get postponed because the dentist is ill, twice. So now the antibiotic cover is running out and I have to either do another course or find another dentist... Who of course will need to repeat the drugs anyway.  And I hate antibiotics, especially used this way because of the danger of building resistance.

It is obviously not my week.

Just as well I have plenty of handwork to keep my stress levels damped down! Seeing I can't drown my sorrows with those bloody pills on board, grrrrr...
Unfortunately dental infections have a bad habit of being persistent due to the bacterial environment of the mouth and difficulties in the ability of antibiotics accessing the vascularity of bony structures such as the jaw. In the case of an abcessed tooth ABs are often used in more of a 'holding' treatment until extraction rather than a full solution.
(25-07-2024, 06:20 PM)popeye333 Wrote:
(25-07-2024, 12:52 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: There used to be a saying - if you want to make the Gods laugh, tell them your plans.

Looking at my life, the Gods have certainly enjoyed themselves.

Mine would say.. Man shes been boring lol..

I need to do something about that.

Boring? Check out your recent year popeye, I wouldn't call that boring! You just need more fun adventures and fewer of those Real Life challenges, lol!

I had a message from some American friends this morning, they have booked a NZ cruise for March 2026, and have invited me to join them. Now that's the kind of adventure we need!

(25-07-2024, 08:14 PM)harm_less Wrote: Unfortunately dental infections have a bad habit of being persistent due to the bacterial environment of the mouth and difficulties in the ability of antibiotics accessing the vascularity of bony structures such as the jaw. In the case of an abcessed tooth ABs are often used in more of a 'holding' treatment until extraction rather than a full solution.

Well, I am being a good girl and have started the second course, and have a check up appointment this morning, so we shall see. It is stressful though waiting for the procedure, I just want it over and done with, but I do get what you are both saying, thank you. I shall try to control my impatience and lower my stress levels.

Fortunately I have a couple of zen promoting projects underway at the monent, I find if my hands are busy, my monkey mind is easier to shut up!  Big Grin
My dentist just phoned me, boy she sounds awful. So, better antibiotics and delay than catching whatever she's got, lol...
morning ladies Smile The fog is thick this morning, it's going to take a while to clear.

yep, OHH, much better to wait than to have a sick dentist remove a tooth. Being sick she won't be on her 'A' game and you don't need her bugs on top of the infection. Once the tooth is removed, the infection should drain quickly and you will be fine. The cruise sounds fun, especially with friends you haven't seen for a while.

I read that article about the young couple buying their home just before you posted the link, Jan. Good on them Smile It's great to have goals in life and to be able to share them but I hope they allow for some flexibility and some fun. What's the saying, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

The lawn mower was repaired and lawn mowed yesterday. What a difference a new blade makes and it started first pop instead of the usual four pulls. I noticed the hyacinths have flower buds forming and the little Star of Bethlehem is starting to flower.

Housework for me today... sounds like I need more fun as well.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Clear, sunny sky after a cool start. 

Agree with having the dentist at the top of her game and less risk of illness yourself OHH. What an opportunity ... being invited on a cruise!

No particular plan today.  I have the slowcooker out ready to get a casserole on the go with home grown meat we were recently given.  

I hope you have your bank woes sorted once and for all Popeye.

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone.

A bit of fog here too.

Your right Hunni, cant say its been a boring year. I wish I could be spontaneous.. Thats something Im not good at.

I have always wanted to do a wee cruise. I imagine it to be a fun thing..

Dianne and I have planned a trip to a new shop. Its called Nandas or pandas, cant remember and its like a massive $2 type shop. We Both love kitchen gadgets and crafts of course so we are saving lol.

And I agree its better to have a well Dr. But getting it done is wise. Our mouth sends bugs to our heart, which is why I was straight to the drs when my gums flared up. We dont deserve to be sick.

Had a poop of a night and had decided to stay home. But that would mean Id simply sit and mope. So Ive decided to get my big red and white Blanket out that I crochet years ago and take it to show the ladies. And I also know they will cheer me up, along with you guys.

NZqwerty ( Hope I have the right one lol oops)... I was talking to Maureen's daughter yesterday and she has said we will wait and see if Jess is allowed to keep him. if not your the best one we have. AND me and my blondness forgot I have a friend who's hubby drives trucks for an awesome company and she is going to talk to him when he gets home tonight. Maybe we have a Ride for him...

Right I had better get sorted since Im now starting late lol

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Ok thanks popeye333. If Jack does come down here to Christchurch it would be good to know the name, address, eMail, telephone number of his veterinarian in Auckland or wherever he has been before to get some sort of treatment record for whomever will be his vet down here.
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
Friends I have never actually met! Talked to them for decades - Michelle was in her apartment in New York looking out at the Twin Towers, 8 months pregnant, and online as I watched the tragedy unfold on tv, also online from Blenheim, and we discovered we shared more than just names.

Once again I am reminded of the blessings the internet brings...

Btw, if Jack is chipped his whole history will be on file for vets to access.
"Btw, if Jack is chipped his whole history will be on file for vets to access."

Haven't heard of that in Chch, Stella had three chips, they kept failing and being replaced. All they have down here is name of dog and name and address of owner I think. I changed her vet and they needed name and address of her old vet to access old records.
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
That is how we discovered the Tatty cat was a heck of a lot younger than I had been told. Good system when it works!
I think everyone's right Hunni; waiting is the safest option. Annoying but better.

Feeling extremely virtuous now, having mowed back lawn yesterday & polished off the front lawn this moring plus pulled out enough weeds (which were trying to sneak in) to almost fill green bin. Noticed quite a few spring flowers sticking their foolhardy little heads up too, some daffodils & a few of those white ones, the name of which escapes me. We're supposedly in for possible snow next week so hope they survive.
And despite losing the best dragon sketch I'd managed - no clue where the hell it went - I've done another which may work, just a matter of working on it more & making a card outline to draw around on sheet painting so I can then either paint or use oil pastels for it. No rush though.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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