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You can never have enough...
morning ladies Smile What a gorgeous day now that the fog is clearing.

lol popeye, enjoy your day today.

Yesterday was the first time we used Genesis' power shouts and yep, we will be doing that again. Hopefully it will help offset the power used to reheat the hot water cylinder. Was great being able to finish the half dry washing and some straight from the wash in the drier too.

Today I want to start weeding, it's not too bad as I weeded just before it became cold. But if I can weed before they set seed, it will make spring/summer a lot easier garden wise.

I'm working on the wolf's ear for now, am happy with the colours, it could be a tad darker but then the outlines overlaid on top wouldn't be seen.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Nice and sunny after a cool start. 

Busy yesterday with kindy/school runs and GC minding.  I alway clock up a lot of mileage those days,  lol. 

Today I need groceries and will have a look in Farmers sale.  Good you have towels on hand Popeye. The couple of sets I bought a few months ago definitely weren't of the same quality as ones I'd bought previously ... same good brand and style, but felt lighter in weight. Have fun on your day out today.

All my indoor plants made it outside yesterday (covered last night from the cold) and I will repot today to enliven them. Hopefully we'll get onto some weeding as well.  Nice to see bulbs appearing out there. 

Your holiday sounds fun Mica. DH and I are planning a road trip down country ending in Xmas with Daughter and family ... catching up with son and family in Welly on the way. The thought of a (reliable) ferry crossing a bit nerve wracking though  Undecided

Better keep moving. 

Enjoy the day all.
I accidently picked up this thread on a much earlier page, and it occurs to me just printing these posts out would make an interesting bit of domestic non fiction. They cover a fair bit of our lives, in detail, the boring bits, the small and large challenges, and the sad bits as well as the celebrations.

We have made something rather special with these snippets of our lives 'on paper'.
I agree, OHH. There is something special about these pages (even if we had the odd person pop in and say how boring it is lol).

The knee high dahlias have been weeded, it felt so good having the sun on my back Smile Sometimes it's the small things in life that make it so good. MrK is pottering about in his workshop, thank goodness for those new pain relievers. His head is back in a good space now. Heart
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(06-08-2024, 10:13 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I accidently picked up this thread on a much earlier page, and it occurs to me just printing these posts out would make an interesting bit of domestic non fiction. They cover a fair bit of our lives, in detail, the boring bits, the small and large challenges, and the sad bits as well as the celebrations.

We have made something rather special with these snippets of our lives 'on paper'.

Like a modern "Portia faces Life"?
I do have other cameras!
(06-08-2024, 02:18 PM)Praktica Wrote:
(06-08-2024, 10:13 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I accidently picked up this thread on a much earlier page, and it occurs to me just printing these posts out would make an interesting bit of domestic non fiction. They cover a fair bit of our lives, in detail, the boring bits, the small and large challenges, and the sad bits as well as the celebrations.

We have made something rather special with these snippets of our lives 'on paper'.

Like a modern "Portia faces Life"?

Oh dear! I'd forgotten about her - & Dr Paul as well! Rolleyes
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Dr Paul! Morning tea time in the first home I have clear memories of...

My tooth has finally gone, and I am eagerly awaiting the return of half my face. A couple of days and this too will be a memory. And no more pain. Tg4dat.
(06-08-2024, 03:42 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Dr Paul! Morning tea time in the first home I have clear memories of...

My tooth has finally gone, and I am eagerly awaiting the return of half my face. A couple of days and this too will be a memory. And no more pain. Tg4dat.

Hope it comes good quickly, pain isn't fun especially toothachey things. 

Was out earlier, went to New World in search of fish, couldn't find what I wanted but got the bread & then spotted a Spanakopitika...hmm, never actually tried one of them so had a look at the packet - made in Greece so should be relatively authentic, so it came home with me for dinner tonight.

It had better be good because I'm now too knackered to do anything else - if its not good then I might have what mum used to say when I asked what was for dinner - " A glass of water & a look out the wibndow" Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Beautiful weather here in the bay - just watching the birds - starlings sure are the bullies of the avian world - just watching them chase the little birds off - then they chase each other and waste so much energy probably get no benefit from the food
Pleased your tooth problem has been dealt with Hunni - I still have the majority of mine apart from my four front teeth my sister knocked out with a skipping rope - one of those wooden ones with ball bearings - we were fighting over it she let her end go and it whacked me in the mouth - it really wasn’t her fault it was her rope but boy did she get into trouble .I have the four on a bridge - had a real fancy one made by a dentist years ago,first in NZ with special construction materials- he eventually finished my bridge after numerous trips from Taupo to Auckland - first night I woke after a couple of hours so took it out and stuck it in a glass of water beside the bed - woke up in the morning to teeth and plastic all over the carpet -my staffi decided to have a night time chew up - you should’ve seen the insurance guys face when I said I was there to claim for my teeth that the dog chewed - lucky I had saved my old one

Roma you are in a beautiful part of the world - went there a couple of times when the old boy was competing in an iron man - loved it

Won’t take long for me to serve up my dinner -I have two kūmara in the steamer - going to mash them up with butter and pepper and thats it
Well, I had porridge, stewed apple, yoghurt and honey, served tepid for mine, and my face has come back so I didn't dribble it down my front, lol. I got hungry early having been too het up to eat till the tooth was done but my appetite came back with my face! I did regret not being able to get into the leftovers in the fridge. A one pot pork and vegie casserole over golden mash, boy it was so yummy first time round. Still, tomorrow is a new day. Sometimes we cooks come up with fabulous food just by layering up the good things, or by reaching for the simplest.

Some days experience is such a boon!
So pleased the tooth has gone Hunni.

We had such an awesome day.. Def need to go back tho, we skipped the craft section. Did see some Cotton, but it didn't look very well spun.
We both spent $48 each lol.. And we didn't add up. For my $48 I got a new Back pack, a new pop up umbrella, a red stool, and frame thingee to make you sit better in a chair, 5 rolls of sellotape and a squeaky soft toy like the Pooh emoticon for Madam who thinks its the bees knees lol.

I saw the most nail polishes I've ever seen in one shop. Was a massive isle of them lol. $1.

We kept checking each others legs were coping. I popped pills when we got to KFC.

Love where Dianne lives, in the country and when its fine she can see the Sky tower, Rangitoto Island and parts of Manukau city.

I shall sleep well tonight. the legs feel very heavy. Was funny when we had lunch. I never knew and you certainly cant tell but she has two false teeth on the bottom. But she takes them out when eating, especially chicken off the bone lol. she said very few people know, and only ones she feels close enough to tell. Who ever made those made them match perfectly. but she said she eventually wants to get screw in ones.

And since I have money left over I will pop over to Pukekohe on shopping day and finally get some more baking ingredients. I really need to bake lol.

Right I shall finish my games now. Made a start this morning.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
So you'll be appreciating the saying 'better out than a bad tooth' now I guess. Hope your dentist sent you home with some good pain meds, and be sure to take good care of that removal site. Having had a dry socket in the past I can recommend avoiding them if possible.
morning ladies Smile Another gorgeous albeit frosty start to the day.

I bet you feel so much better having the tooth out, OHH Smile It won't take long for your mouth to heal.

Good to hear you enjoyed your day out, popeye. We all need 'retail therapy' occasionally.

More weeding is on the agenda today. I'll start working my way round the sunny spots as the frost melts.

The Fluffy One is coming to stay today for four sleeps. She's no trouble and sleeps a lot of the time now. The Furry One seems to know she's an old lady now and pretty much leaves her alone. Occasionally she wants to play but that lasts all of 30 seconds Heart

We've been watching some of the Olympics and love the climbing. So fast! As the commentator said, it's quicker than the men's 100meters. And we love love love the equestrian, just can't help drooling over the horses.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Nice and sunny but it's cold out there. 

Yes, you'll be glad to be rid of the troublesome tooth OHH. It takes some getting used to the "hole".  I have 2 of them one the result of a failed crown that I was told would be best!

Fun day for you Popeye ... we all need those. 

Minor surgery at the doctor today that was meant to happen last week.  Will get outside later. 

We only watch the games at the end of the day ... no getting up in the small hours for us. The pole vaulting was mind boggling to watch!

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

Foggy here of course lol.

Ive not had a dry socket but have heard they are extremely painful. Hope you mend well Hunni.

Woke up to no TV.. again. but I played around with the sky box and its working again.. I should ask on FB if there is someone who can hook the free view up. I dont have a book for the tv which is what is stopping me from doing it.

Off to the home today. Its painting day. Whish I suspect may be 3 of us and Dianne. Two of the regular painters have Covid.

Was hogging the fridge cold hottie last night. Cramp in my feet lol.. But it was worth it lol.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Fine day

Fun day out Popeye.
Glad that bothersome  tooth is gone OHH 

We arrived back home last night 11pm.
Have picked up the dogs from the kennels and the cat from cattery, unpacked and have the first load  of washing  on.
Poorly k9 did well at kennels but has lost more weight. The other k9 looks very bedraggled  as he has been playing with the hose at the kennels DH will  need to get the brush out today.
Need to do supermarket run  after  lunch.
Our holiday was lovely but back to reality  of everyday  life again

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
(07-08-2024, 11:11 AM)Mica Wrote: Morning all
Fine day

Fun day out Popeye.
Glad that bothersome  tooth is gone OHH 

We arrived back home last night 11pm.
Have picked up the dogs from the kennels and the cat from cattery, unpacked and have the first load  of washing  on.
Poorly k9 did well at kennels but has lost more weight. The other k9 looks very bedraggled  as he has been playing with the hose at the kennels DH will  need to get the brush out today.
Need to do supermarket run  after  lunch.
Our holiday was lovely but back to reality  of everyday  life again

Enjoy your day

Glad you had a nice break Mica. 

Yep back to the normal mode again
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Neighbourhood feeling collectively pleased with ourselves this afternoon - for about 6 weeks we have seen an Abyssinian cross cat with its collar under its front leg - the owner has been frantically trying to find her but it has been a mission -lucky she stayed around the creek behind us - finally today she took the bait thanks to Pam’s tuna in the trap -she has been to the vet lucky the collar was not tight and there has been no lasting damage - she was a long way from home must have panicked when the collar slipped -

The politicians and academics who are arguing we aren’t failing our kids with maths should spend a day in the real world - Winz send job seekers who are supposedly job ready for entry jobs at the supermarket - the system tells them they need 40 bottles to fill a shelf but the stock comes in boxes of 12 - they have no idea how to work out how many boxes they need to tell the system to put on their trolley - or if somebody pays with coins or notes and wants change - many can’t read - one yesterday couldn’t read the yoghurt flavours had to look at the pictures - that’s not uncommon - rant over ,Won’t start on all the kids and Mums wanting to rejoin the workforce who were able to go out to the polytechnic before Hipkins restructure and be brought up to speed in IT - my sister who would normally have 90 students has 1 - she was made redundant at the beginning of the restructure then hired again for 1 student

Invited my grandson for dinner - is home from uni for a break - turned me down when I told him beef cheek casserole is on the menu - could have been worse could have been oxtail
(07-08-2024, 04:38 PM)Jan Wrote: Neighbourhood feeling collectively pleased with ourselves this afternoon - for about 6 weeks we have seen an Abyssinian cross cat with its collar under its front leg - the owner has been frantically trying to find her but it has been a mission -lucky she stayed around the creek behind us -  finally today she took the bait thanks to Pam’s tuna in the trap -she has been to the vet lucky the collar was not tight and there has been no lasting damage - she was a long way from home must have panicked when the collar slipped -
That's exactly the reason we don't put collars on our cats. I found a stray cat hiding out at my Mum's place some years back with a flea collar that it had managed to get one of its front legs through. It was in a hell of a state with gangrene having set in and ended up being euthanised as a result.

Cats are lithe and agile creatures that enjoy squeezing through tight spaces so a flea or bell collar can become lethal so easily if they get stuck or tangled.
Lots of people don't understand that breakaway collars are available, designed to pop and release under pressure. Easy to check this aspect before buying, but if the buyer doesn't know to check then cats can get into trouble.

And so can dogs.

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