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You can never have enough...
One of the commonest symptoms of dementia is a form of hydrophobia, where the person is afraid of showering or bathing in case they fall or cannot breathe. It is one of the early signs I missed with my Mum, because she was hiding it by her own careful personal hygiene and sneakiness - she would run the shower while handwashing herself. If I had known I would have put a shower chair in her bathroom which might have made it easier for her, lessons we learn too late.
Morning all 
Bumper frost here still only 2 degrees going to be lovely sunny day 

Hope plumber arrives with necessary part to fix your shower KM

OHH your responses made me smile

Been to gym  got food run, need to call into local council office to see where my refund is

Not sure what I will do today DH needs a haircut basically just use clippers all over so not hard to do

Might reacquaint  myself with some of my fabric for inspiration

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning. 

Clear,  blue sky with sunshine but another cold start. 

Good on you KM to take on another jacket embroidery project! It's great that you can find ideas online and more often than not print them off.  My GC have got into the habit of requesting colouring in pages ... suits me ... an easy way to fill in time colouring them!

Might be able to get outside today, yesterday was another one of those on/off sunshine/cold squall/drizzle days. 

Also need to get into some baking ... the last delicious lemon muffins have gone.  I always double recipes and freeze. My tree is sagging and yellow with lemons so I feel obliged to incorporate into baking and a lot of cooking! 

Time to move ... enjoy the day all.
(21-08-2024, 08:24 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: One of the commonest symptoms of dementia is a form of hydrophobia, where the person is afraid of showering or bathing in case they fall or cannot breathe. It is one of the early signs I missed with my Mum, because she was hiding it by her own careful personal hygiene and sneakiness - she would run the shower while handwashing herself. If I had known I would have put a shower chair in her bathroom which might have made it easier for her, lessons we learn too late.

Bobbie never showered. But she basin washed. She did go downhill to a degree but she never smelt. Annie is smelling and her hair is an utter mess. Possible she is getting dementia as she is repeating her stories.  

She has a super dry whit, which I love.  Is a smoker who cannot afford to smoke and her son says no a lot.

Annie is the one who when MrP died she gave me a rock she had painted. with the word Love on it.  She held out her hand, made me hold out mine and handed me the rock. Then said "who are you going to Love"? I said all you ladies, She said Wrong who are you going to Love.. I questioned with "Me?"... she said now you have it right.

Ill never forget that.

Staff were showering her, Im not sure why it has stopped
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
She may be fighting them...

(21-08-2024, 08:27 AM)Roma Wrote: Good morning. 

Clear,  blue sky with sunshine but another cold start. 

Good on you KM to take on another jacket embroidery project! It's great that you can find ideas online and more often than not print them off.  My GC have got into the habit of requesting colouring in pages ... suits me ... an easy way to fill in time colouring them!

Might be able to get outside today, yesterday was another one of those on/off sunshine/cold squall/drizzle days. 

Also need to get into some baking ... the last delicious lemon muffins have gone.  I always double recipes and freeze. My tree is sagging and yellow with lemons so I feel obliged to incorporate into baking and a lot of cooking! 

Time to move ... enjoy the day all.

Wouldn't that be neat? Embroidering the coloured in pic the child did themselves? I saw a merry go round on Instagram where the rides were made up from children's drawings of animals they had never seen. It was quite wonderful, lots of curvey shapes!
(21-08-2024, 07:38 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: morning ladies Smile  We have fog this morning.

lol OHH, would we ever doubt you? Tongue

Nice work, popeye Smile  Always good to have some knife skills in the kitchen.

Fingers crossed again for the plumber, the leak is becoming worse.

By the sound of it, our grandson would like a dragon on the back of his jacket.  I'll need to find a second hand jacket in his size first.  Colours to be advised lol but I suspect purple will be in there somewhere.  My kind of kid Heart

The lawn needs mowing again, it doesn't matter there is fog, I can still get out there and mow.  I tend to work better in the mornings.

happy crafting Smile

A purple dragon sounds exactly the thing! Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
We have decided to leave it be. She could very well be fighting them, when she doesn't have smokes she gets very cranky.

Had a lovely day painting, a full long table of us.
Its starting to warm up in the dining room so I wont wear a winter dress when we are in there for painting. Gets too warm.

I just enjoyed some of the first bit of Lamb with mashed tatties and HEAPS of gravy.. Totally yum. the rest of the first piece of meat and the remaining gravy are in the freezer. The next lot ready to go in the crockpot in the morning.

Time to sit in a more comfy chair and rest my bones. Not my knee lol, but my back and hips. They dont like sitting all day much.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I bought a boneless shoulder at NW today, smallest one in the chiller, but still enough to give me half a dozen really good meals. Cook once, munch a lot!
I am babysitting my brothers dog at Whirinaki beach - look at my view over the sea to a ship leaving port
Morning all 
Overcast at moment

Great view Jan enjoy your k9 sitting

Got errands done yesterday and bought 2 Lekala top patterns plug in your measurements  and get sent pdf pattern cheap $8 for both used them before for myself and DIL. Will stick pages together  this afternoon. I might have ordered a Vogue Marcy Tilton dress pattern yikes the price but Pattern Postie cheaper than Spotlight

My morning atcwarehouse so will take completed cot quilt and knitted fish ñ chip vest.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning ladies Smile Please let the rain hold off for just a bit more.

Lovely view, Jan Smile Nice to be dog sitting, they make great companions.

The chook I bought from Pak n Save (was Pams brand) for around $12 gave us both one roast meal, sandwiches for lunch and two main meals each as a chicken pie. I think we did all right out of that chook!

The plan today is to cut the cherry tree down, it's dying so will cut it down as much as I can and then have it mulched and the trunk ground along with three others. If I cut the tree down and do most of the grunt work, then our friend who has the grinder and mulcher can come in and do what needs to be done. Cheaper for us as it will take less time.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Fine but overcast here.

Lovely view Mica. The Moon has been so bright the last few nights.

I have the meat in the crockpot. So I dont have to think about that for a while.

Will pop up to the supermarket, and drop the lamb bone off to a Sister friend for her two canines. They will certainly luff their Mumma for having them.

Then Ill put the dishwasher on when I get home.

My friend probably wont arrive till later in the afternoon.

Have a fab day
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(21-08-2024, 08:53 PM)Jan Wrote: I am babysitting my brothers dog at Whirinaki beach - look at my view over the sea to a ship leaving port

Beautiful shot Jan. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Had a pretty good day; two loads of washing done then around to find something for the one of next lot of birthdays which was successful; the newest addition to the family will be getting a blue suit thingy (like the stretch n grow suits but not stretchy) with darker blue designs on as well as the books & music mat thingy for his first birthday next month. Still to get something for his mum,whose birthday he shares.

Then dog walk, back then out again to get a vegan damned pizza from Hell (I'll have some for dinner & put the rest in freezer) & also scored a book from the opshop over the way while waiting for the pizza to be ready.
Not a bad day but absolutely knackered...& Madame Le Cat is claiming that its dinner time! She's got Buckley's chance..
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Gorgeous day up here, so I got carried away with some spring cleaning. First the wardrobe floor... Then one of the boxes that used to be there, full of old cards and letters. Talk about nostalgia attack. Still, it is all in a good cause. Svedish Death Cleaning, lol.

Just as vell I am not Svedish.
morning ladies from a sunny Waikato Smile

lol OHH, you're keen! This Svedish Death Cleaning is a tad extreme for me.

The plumber has been thank goodness and has fixed the shower, the hose under the laundry tub which by chance started to leak again yesterday morning, and showed me how to take the loo seat off the new loo. Now we await the bill.

My sister-in-law rocked up for a coffee as she was in Tirau yesterday and took more of the old bricks back home with her. The pile is slowly but surely going down. She also took some old concrete reinforcing wire to support a rose. I may regret letting that go when I move Madam Alfred shortly. She has suggested we use the family scooter MrK's sister bought before she passed away. I suggested it a few days ago and got the no, not yest response. She suggests it and he says, ok, I'll try it. I like to think I put the idea there lol. But who cares really, he needs something. He has another doctor's appointment and will be asking for the OT to come and see what we need around the house.

Half of the cherry tree has been cut down Big Grin MrK taught me how to cut big branches so they fall slowly and 'supervised' the cutting. Our friend is coming early next week to do the rest as the remaining branches will fall over the fence and I can't climb the fence to get them. The grinding will have to wait as his grinder is away at the moment but that will happen.

Housework today, two loads of washing to do and it should dry outside. We didn't need the heat pump on until late last evening, so the temperatures are climbing slowly. I have some typing to do for my sister-in-law and will get that done later as well.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

It's cold outside but the sun is shining through the clouds.

Glad the plumber has finally fixed the problem KM ... shame there's a bill to follow! Lol, you might find Mr K is off and away on adventures on a scooter ... I know it gave FIL a new lease on life.  I intend to go down that same path if needed "one day"!

Some more time to spend outside today with Renga Renga to plant out  ... I hope I can keep on top of slugs/snails who'll think mealtime has arrived!

I haven't heard of the Svedish Death clean before, probably something I should attempt, lol!

Time to move ... baking to get in to ... I never got there as planned the other day. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

Fine so far here.

You will sleep better now the leaks are fixed Kiwimade.

Have been chatting non stop with my friend. She spoilt me for my birthday and I spoilt her. Hada beautiful dinner. No room for Pudding so we will try for tonight.

Off to see the ladies today but will arrive closer to lunchtime.

She brought some clothes for me to shorten and I promptly knocked one white pair of pants into Missys breakfast so that is soaking.

And yes the knee is sore .. She parks her butt and gets waited on . My fault lol

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all 
Grey day.

Glad leaks sorted KM.
Having good friends visit always good.

Have some friends coming for lunch pumpkin coconut lentil soup in slow cooker,nand chia coconut pudding in glasses waiting for strawberries to be added.
Have vacuumed DH walked dogs, while I made some GF bread rolls using Bakels Artisan bread mix just hoping they rise if not it will be a quick supermarket run to get some buns.

My Vogue patte rn turned up this morning and I traced off the 2 top patterns yesterday  I am ready to make some toilles.

Time for cuppa

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Coincidentally, I'm also doing the Svedish death clean - just very sporadically. And I know that somewhere there's a box of old letters, waiting.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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