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Difficult to comprehend really
Just how off the wall some of the "Anti" people are:

Genocide ? Really ? After BILLIONS of doses have been given out - when/where is the Genocide ? Oh that's right it'll all be being hushed up by Governments under the control of Bill Gates and his super rich and powerful friends who have bought out ALL the Governments in the world, (yes 193 of them), AND all the Main stream news outlets.  Just so they can Kill off about 90% of the worlds population.  Apparently

A very bad plot in a very bad movie could hardly come up with more insane rubbish.

BUT people BELIEVE this as evidenced by that article I've linked.  Even people in good old Nz.  OMG.

We're screwed - and it's not Covid, nor is it the Vaccine - its HUMANITY itself.  Going to self destruct long before Climate Change gets us !
I was cheered to see Ngati Toa telling protesters not to use their haka...
(15-11-2021, 01:09 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I was cheered to see Ngati Toa telling protesters not to use their haka...
I'd be more cheered if these protestors would all just go home and stay there !
Antisocial spastics. Trying to shovel shit down others throats in the guise of being smarter than the rest of us.

I guess its coming to them, hard to feel any pity when it hits.
One hopes they will make as much to do when they say 'Im sorry, I was wrong.'
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
I'm just so completely amazed that any logical human could even consider for one second the possibility of a worldwide conspiracy to commit genocide on Billions of people - it entirely defies logic.
Yep we're being held up as a species by the slowest among us.

I think these people need to spend a bit of time in a country that is ACTUALLY controlled by its government, to gain a bit of perspective.

Or maybe a time machine to see what Nazi Germany was actually like.
(15-11-2021, 01:53 PM)Magoo Wrote: Antisocial spastics. Trying to shovel shit down others throats in the guise of being smarter than the rest of us.

I guess its coming to them, hard to feel any pity when it hits.
One hopes they will make as much to do when they say 'Im sorry, I was wrong.'
There's another of those words I have filed to the Never Ever Use box.
(15-11-2021, 02:12 PM)videomonkey Wrote: Yep we're being held up as a species by the slowest among us.

I think these people need to spend a bit of time in a country that is ACTUALLY controlled by its government, to gain a bit of perspective.

Or maybe a time machine to see what Nazi Germany was actually like.
That would be an eye opener you'd think.  But I have seen comments from 'Anti's stating that we are indeed in a similar situation - where people are being killed off and it's all hushed up, (at least for now), until the gloves come off !  Some really do believe this.  One thing Covid has done is bring out the crazies who were previously hiding.  We are certainly living in interesting times.
Just imagine, when Covid catches up with the un-vaccinated, how the IQ of the rest of New Zealanders will rise.
(15-11-2021, 03:57 PM)namtak Wrote: Just imagine, when Covid catches up with the un-vaccinated, how the IQ of the rest of New Zealanders will rise.
Hmmm that's a positive  Big Grin
(15-11-2021, 03:59 PM)Me+Me Wrote:
(15-11-2021, 03:57 PM)namtak Wrote: Just imagine, when Covid catches up with the un-vaccinated, how the IQ of the rest of New Zealanders will rise.
Hmmm that's a positive  Big Grin

Using the words 'positive' and 'covid' in the same conversation??

I'm outta here......

Big Grin
(15-11-2021, 02:18 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote:
(15-11-2021, 01:53 PM)Magoo Wrote: Antisocial spastics. Trying to shovel shit down others throats in the guise of being smarter than the rest of us.

I guess its coming to them, hard to feel any pity when it hits.
One hopes they will make as much to do when they say 'Im sorry, I was wrong.'
There's another of those words I have filed to the Never Ever Use box.

Yes it is not fair to IHC people who are like that through no fault of their own to use terms which could relate to somebody on the IHC spectrum as a derogatory term.
Its a shame that so many have bought into the anti vax misinformation. I really hadn't realised that so many Kiwis could be so gullible as to believe such outright bollocks.
Those people are going to want to melt back into obscurity, when they finally realise they've been badly misled.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(16-11-2021, 02:28 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Its a shame that so many have bought into the anti vax misinformation. I really hadn't realised that so many Kiwis could be so gullible as to believe such outright bollocks.
Those people are going to want to melt back into obscurity, when they finally realise they've been badly misled.
Their egos will stop them from honestly admitting their foolishness......
(16-11-2021, 03:28 PM)Me+Me Wrote:
(16-11-2021, 02:28 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Its a shame that so many have bought into the anti vax misinformation. I really hadn't realised that so many Kiwis could be so gullible as to believe such outright bollocks.
Those people are going to want to melt back into obscurity, when they finally realise they've been badly misled.
Their egos will stop them from honestly admitting their foolishness......
 I hope not but you may be right - it would be a very difficult thing, to admit that you'd got something so badly wrong.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(16-11-2021, 06:09 PM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(16-11-2021, 03:28 PM)Me+Me Wrote: Their egos will stop them from honestly admitting their foolishness......
 I hope not but you may be right - it would be a very difficult thing, to admit that you'd got something so badly wrong.

Death bed confessions in ICU I would guess...
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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(16-11-2021, 06:13 PM)king1 Wrote:
(16-11-2021, 06:09 PM)Lilith7 Wrote:  I hope not but you may be right - it would be a very difficult thing, to admit that you'd got something so badly wrong.

Death bed confessions in ICU I would guess...
Wouldn't that be horrible though - to be dying & know how wrong you'd been. And how stupid too, of course. You have to almost feel sorry for them. Almost.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(15-11-2021, 03:57 PM)namtak Wrote: Just imagine, when Covid catches up with the un-vaccinated, how the IQ of the rest of New Zealanders will rise.

I doubt it'll change much actually seeing as most of them will still be alive.
Well, we shall see. The one thing we cannot stop, is time.
What gets me the most, is the teachers etc, who have now left their jobs, because they are anti vax.

What the hell happened to being a teacher because you love children, because you want to impart your wise knowledge onto them, that you want to teach them about responsibilities, or whatever it is that took them into these professions.

That they are prepared to walk away from these kids, prepared to walk away from their chosen profession, and prepared to walk away from their steady incomes, all because of their own selfish reasons. It's beyond me.

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