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The very bossy Ms CoCo
Ms CoCo is a rescue Burmese Rex cross who has lived an interesting life and learned some very useful ways of getting her own way in the process. She is very bossy for a little scrap of a thing, and noisy with it. It took us a while to become sort of friends because she found me difficult to train, and I found her a poor replacement for her predecessor, a Siamese lady by the name of Pansy, who was an angel in chocolate point fur.

Ms CoCo does not Play Well With Others, so she has taken over the village and only has to fix the other two cats who live here with a narrow eyed stare to have them slinking off back to where they came from. She is quite likely to march into their kitchens to check out food bowls and the wimps simply go for higher ground and hope to remain undetected. And fast? For an elderly lady the beast can put on a fine turn of speed if any of them think running is a good idea. She does enjoy a good chase.

Unfortunately though, Ms CoCo has some health issues of the messy kind. She has IBS, and her fur - being rex - lacks guard hair, so her incessant grooming causes hairballs, and with IBS that is Not a Good Thing. But we deal with the unfortunate results, and with a bit of vet support and the occasional course of steroids she is still enjoying being Queen of all she surveys.

Last night though, she and I had words. For some reason known only to herself, she took exception to being kept inside after the doors closed at 9pm. Her third dinner was insufficent joy, and my going to bed at 10pm was simply unacceptable behaviour. So she started throwing things around, bouncing off bits of me that do not respond well to such treatment, yelling in my ear, and generally being an attention seeking brat.

So, she spent the rest of the night  - from 2am I might add, curled up on a nice thick folded towel on the stool in the bathroom with the door firmly closed, and peace and quiet was restored. The yelling resumed at 7am, so she was released from custody, had her first breakfast of the day, and has now gone out to do her first patrol of the estate.

I might just have won this round.

Big Grin
hahaha Very funny Ms hunni. That would make a great description on a dating profile. lol

Your Ms CoCo would beat up on my Molly May, as she is a completely useless Mummy's girl wuss puss.
[attachment=84 Wrote:crafters_corner pid='7331' dateline='1637441878']hahaha Very funny Ms hunni. That would make a great description on a dating profile. lol

Your Ms CoCo would beat up on my Molly May, as she is a completely useless Mummy's girl wuss puss.

Hey! It worked!
(21-11-2021, 09:58 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote:
(21-11-2021, 08:57 AM)crafters_corner Wrote: hahaha Very funny Ms hunni. That would make a great description on a dating profile. lol

Your Ms CoCo would beat up on my Molly May, as she is a completely useless Mummy's girl wuss puss.

Hey! It worked!
Well done. CoCo is very pretty. But mine is prettier. Big Grin

Now to figure out how to do that, so I can show off my darling.
(21-11-2021, 04:24 PM)crafters_corner Wrote:
(21-11-2021, 09:58 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote:
Hey! It worked!
Well done. CoCo is very pretty. But mine is prettier. Big Grin

Now to figure out how to do that, so I can show off my darling.
 do a new reply Crafty and under the main box you type your comment in is New Attachment, click on Choose Files then click on Add Attachment then post reply when you have finished your comments Smile

Fucked if I know what I'm doing wrong. Angry

I need to go bye byes.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww I DID IT.

I don't know how that happened, but I DID IT.

Woop woop.

Awww isn't my girlie just the most gorgeous kitty.
(21-11-2021, 10:09 PM)crafters_corner Wrote: Fucked if I know what I'm doing wrong. Angry

I need to go bye byes.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww I DID IT.

I don't know how that happened, but I DID IT.

Woop woop.

Awww isn't my girlie just the most gorgeous kitty.
lol she is gorgeous...these are my 2 Ginger boys named Tommy and Jerry

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I do like ginger cats, I had a red point siamese a long time ago who was a sweet hearted creature. Your stripey baby looks like a teenager we have here - her name is Hunni!
(22-11-2021, 09:41 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I do like ginger cats, I had a red point siamese a long time ago who was a sweet hearted creature. Your stripey baby looks like a teenager we have here - her name is Hunni!

Tommy is the older one aged 5 1/2 and Jerry is 3 1/2

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