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Almost 1 in 5 NZ Delta cases are children

An increasing number of primary school-aged children and younger are contracting Covid, as the total number of active cases in this country's Delta outbreak approaches 5000. There are 4828 active cases of Covid in New Zealand - and 36 per cent of them are aged 19 or under. Close to one in five - 18.5 per cent - of cases are in children 9 years old or younger, up from 12.7 per cent at the start of September. On Monday alone 44 new cases were announced in under-9s. 

In the current outbreak, 27 children under nine have ended up in hospital. As the number of active cases grows, vaccination mandates are being brought in to cut the number of people who aren't protected against the virus. Staff in the education, Corrections and healthcare sectors are already subject to vaccine mandates and the Government is making it easier for businesses to mandate vaccines as well.

So much for "But children don't catch the virus!"
another interesting dilemma for business owners - whether to allow the unvaccinated children of vaccinated parents into the establishment... Can you exclude them knowing that they could well be packing...
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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Okay. There are approximately 1.1 million children in this country. And the population is around 5.1 million...

So, that stat is entirely to be expected, surely?
(24-11-2021, 06:43 PM)reigns Wrote:

An increasing number of primary school-aged children and younger are contracting Covid, as the total number of active cases in this country's Delta outbreak approaches 5000. There are 4828 active cases of Covid in New Zealand - and 36 per cent of them are aged 19 or under. Close to one in five - 18.5 per cent - of cases are in children 9 years old or younger, up from 12.7 per cent at the start of September. On Monday alone 44 new cases were announced in under-9s. 

In the current outbreak, 27 children under nine have ended up in hospital. As the number of active cases grows, vaccination mandates are being brought in to cut the number of people who aren't protected against the virus. Staff in the education, Corrections and healthcare sectors are already subject to vaccine mandates and the Government is making it easier for businesses to mandate vaccines as well.

So much for "But children don't catch the virus!"
NO one ever said that children don't catch the virus.
At least the Govt isn't just being the uncaring, supposedly murderous, Govt that some people seem to think they are and they're holding off enabling vaccinations for young kids till the info is IN about how safe, or not, it is.
(24-11-2021, 07:08 PM)king1 Wrote: another interesting dilemma for business owners - whether to allow the unvaccinated children of vaccinated parents into the establishment...  Can you exclude them knowing that they could well be packing...

That's a fair point and, as a vaccinated parent, I actually wouldn't be upset or offended to be refused entry to a business because I have children who are too young to be vaccinated but can still catch and transmit COVID. It's a reasonable decision for a business to take given the expert advice and rules/policies we have. I'm not going to knock a business for wanting to be extra careful because, at the end of the day, such an attitude could help keep my kids safe too.

(24-11-2021, 07:08 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Okay. There are approximately 1.1 million children in this country. And the population is around 5.1 million...

So, that stat is entirely to be expected, surely?

Apparently overseas statistics have shown that children catch COVID less and suffer less from it, leading a significant amount of anti-vaxx and anti-lockdown types I've met on the internet to suggest that I "stop worrying" because "kids are low risk for COVID".

1 in 5 is far higher than what the overseas data would suggest the rate should be.

(25-11-2021, 08:02 AM)Me+Me Wrote:
(24-11-2021, 06:43 PM)reigns Wrote:

An increasing number of primary school-aged children and younger are contracting Covid, as the total number of active cases in this country's Delta outbreak approaches 5000. There are 4828 active cases of Covid in New Zealand - and 36 per cent of them are aged 19 or under. Close to one in five - 18.5 per cent - of cases are in children 9 years old or younger, up from 12.7 per cent at the start of September. On Monday alone 44 new cases were announced in under-9s. 

In the current outbreak, 27 children under nine have ended up in hospital. As the number of active cases grows, vaccination mandates are being brought in to cut the number of people who aren't protected against the virus. Staff in the education, Corrections and healthcare sectors are already subject to vaccine mandates and the Government is making it easier for businesses to mandate vaccines as well.

So much for "But children don't catch the virus!"
NO one ever said that children don't catch the virus.
At least the Govt isn't just being the uncaring, supposedly murderous, Govt that some people seem to think they are and they're holding off enabling vaccinations for young kids till the info is IN about how safe, or not, it is.

You're right, I have had plenty suggest to me that I stop worrying about my kids because they're "low risk", meaning they're less likely to catch it.

1 in 5 is not insignificant, however.
I think any parent worth the name automatically worries. Despite all advice to the contrary. And what's more, it never stops, no matter how old they get, where they are, what they do - we worry. It is in the job description.
(25-11-2021, 04:19 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I think any parent worth the name automatically worries. Despite all advice to the contrary. And what's more, it never stops, no matter how old they get, where they are, what they do - we worry. It is in the job description.

I actually have gray hairs now. My daughter is 2 and a half.

Low key excited to have that salt and pepper like hair colour.
It suits you. As do those rather elegant new frown lines.
10% of our population place their own wants before childrens needs and our welfare.
selfish arrogant knuckle draggers without a shred of common decency between them.
these are the ones who will drag this out, costing more lives needlessly while they stamp their idiot supporting feet about rights and freedom. piss off somewhere else and be free, society needs rules that trump your petty wants.
anti vaxxers, anti maskers, there is a portion of the population that do not want to cohabitate with you.
if we have to 'isolate' those who would do us harm then so be it.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
(26-11-2021, 10:45 AM)Magoo Wrote: 10% of our population place their own wants before childrens needs and our welfare.
selfish arrogant knuckle draggers without a shred of common decency between them.
these are the ones who will drag this out, costing more lives needlessly while they stamp their idiot supporting feet about rights and freedom. piss off somewhere else and be free, society needs rules that trump your petty wants.
anti vaxxers, anti maskers, there is a portion of the population that do not want to cohabitate with you.
if we have to 'isolate' those who would do us harm then so be it.
you don't do rational very well do you Magoo?  Jumping up and down having tantrums simply because the world doesn't conform to your ideals doesn't change anything. The world is grey, not your black & white ideal... Chill out, I can see the veins popping from here...
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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Not sure why these lunatics are banging on about freedoms. If there is a society, there is always rules and regulations. One can't simply go around doing whatever they want. If they did, it would be a terrible dangerous place, full on anarchy with rapes, murders, thefts etc. going on left right and centre.

Don't like being told what to do? If one is in the workplace, one is constantly being told what to do. Even more so if one is in the military. Not sure why this is any different.
(26-11-2021, 03:28 PM)TygerTung Wrote: Not sure why these lunatics are banging on about freedoms. If there is a society, there is always rules and regulations. One can't simply go around doing whatever they want. If they did, it would be a terrible dangerous place, full on anarchy with rapes, murders, thefts etc. going on left right and centre.

Don't like being told what to do? If one is in the workplace, one is constantly being told what to do. Even more so if one is in the military. Not sure why this is any different.
Sadly those type of people are at both ends of the spectrum.
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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(25-11-2021, 04:19 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I think any parent worth the name automatically worries. Despite all advice to the contrary. And what's more, it never stops, no matter how old they get, where they are, what they do - we worry. It is in the job description.
  Yep - & then you worry about your grandchildren. And then your great grandchildren.
Its probably a good thing most of us don't live enough to meet our great great grandchildren - all that worry might kill us. Rolleyes Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
We assume parenting comes naturally. It doesn't. There should be classes with open access to anyone, and for some maybe compulsory. The fact is no parent does it perfectly all the time, and some are better/worse than others by dint of example. We repeat the good and bad examples we have seen and experienced.

Having been a total novice at the job, after accepting infertility, and giving up all hope of ever parenting I have huge sympathy for those who go into it unsupported. I was lucky, I had family support for most of those years. I have no idea how those without that kind of help do it without damaging themselves and their kids...

It does take a village. And our village is just not very good at any of it.
Exactly - we're all novices at parenting. We get chucked in at the deep end, sink or swim.
Not sure how long now I've been saying that we desperately need compulsory parenting classes in high schools, using those lifelike dolls which mimic the behaviour of a small baby & to also include the basics of budgeting, cooking & gardening.

Parenting is the most difficult job we'll ever do & also the most important; we need to do more to try to get it right as far as possible.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(26-11-2021, 01:09 PM)king1 Wrote:
(26-11-2021, 10:45 AM)Magoo Wrote: 10% of our population place their own wants before childrens needs and our welfare.
selfish arrogant knuckle draggers without a shred of common decency between them.
these are the ones who will drag this out, costing more lives needlessly while they stamp their idiot supporting feet about rights and freedom. piss off somewhere else and be free, society needs rules that trump your petty wants.
anti vaxxers, anti maskers, there is a portion of the population that do not want to cohabitate with you.
if we have to 'isolate' those who would do us harm then so be it.
you don't do rational very well do you Magoo?  Jumping up and down having tantrums simply because the world doesn't conform to your ideals doesn't change anything. The world is grey, not your black & white ideal...  Chill out, I can see the veins popping from here...
Thats fine, you be flippant about it, but this thread is about the safety of children and your cavalier disregard for their welfare is abhorrent. your world might be wishy washy and full of feeble excuses, mine is not.
Youve already told us you will exercising your mask exemption.. nice, as long as youre ok huh? 
clearly its more about whats good for you and to hell with everyone else?
as long as your chilled out everything will be fine.
for you.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
(27-11-2021, 06:09 PM)Magoo Wrote:
(26-11-2021, 01:09 PM)king1 Wrote: you don't do rational very well do you Magoo?  Jumping up and down having tantrums simply because the world doesn't conform to your ideals doesn't change anything. The world is grey, not your black & white ideal...  Chill out, I can see the veins popping from here...
Thats fine, you be flippant about it, but this thread is about the safety of children and your cavalier disregard for their welfare is abhorrent. your world might be wishy washy and full of feeble excuses, mine is not.
Youve already told us you will exercising your mask exemption.. nice, as long as youre ok huh? 
clearly its more about whats good for you and to hell with everyone else?
as long as your chilled out everything will be fine.
for you.
  I don't think that's altogether a fair comment; there was no indication of a 'cavalier disregard for the safety of children' - just a different way of seeing this.
If it was up to me, parenting classes would be compulsory in high schools, using the lifelike dolls & including basic budgeting, cooking, gardening as soon as it could be set up, & parenting classes for all new parents likewise, with classes (free) to all existing parents who want a bit of help. And for those who exhibit really dire parenting skills as well - help & support to become better parents.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(27-11-2021, 06:20 PM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(27-11-2021, 06:09 PM)Magoo Wrote: Thats fine, you be flippant about it, but this thread is about the safety of children and your cavalier disregard for their welfare is abhorrent. your world might be wishy washy and full of feeble excuses, mine is not.
Youve already told us you will exercising your mask exemption.. nice, as long as youre ok huh? 
clearly its more about whats good for you and to hell with everyone else?
as long as your chilled out everything will be fine.
for you.
  I don't think that's altogether a fair comment; there was no indication of a 'cavalier disregard for the safety of children' - just a different way of seeing this.
If it was up to me, parenting classes would be compulsory in high schools, using the lifelike dolls & including basic budgeting, cooking, gardening as soon as it could be set up, & parenting classes for all new parents likewise, with classes (free) to all existing parents who want a bit of help. And for those who exhibit really dire parenting skills as well - help & support to become better parents.
Going into mask mandated areas where there are others, including children, may be in close proximity is to show a cavalier disregard for the health of those vulnerable kids. this is why we fucking well mandated it. to keep people safe. 
to consider yourself ok to go unmasked for your own selfish reasons (its hot, its hard to breath. bullshit.) is both arrogant and flippant.

not on my watch.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
(27-11-2021, 06:28 PM)Magoo Wrote:
(27-11-2021, 06:20 PM)Lilith7 Wrote:   I don't think that's altogether a fair comment; there was no indication of a 'cavalier disregard for the safety of children' - just a different way of seeing this.
If it was up to me, parenting classes would be compulsory in high schools, using the lifelike dolls & including basic budgeting, cooking, gardening as soon as it could be set up, & parenting classes for all new parents likewise, with classes (free) to all existing parents who want a bit of help. And for those who exhibit really dire parenting skills as well - help & support to become better parents.
Going into mask mandated areas where there are others, including children, may be in close proximity is to show a cavalier disregard for the health of those vulnerable kids. this is why we fucking well mandated it. to keep people safe. 
to consider yourself ok to go unmasked for your own selfish reasons (its hot, its hard to breath. bullshit.) is both arrogant and flippant.

not on my watch.

All trends indicate that a healthy unvaccinated child is at less risk of serious illness from covid than a vaccinated older person. Knowing that, is there a reason you are so concerned about children? Also if people are concerned about being exposed to covid by those not wearing masks, then surely the best way to keep yourself safe is to steer clear of those people. Getting in their space and conversing angrily with them would have the opposite effect.
(27-11-2021, 06:28 PM)Magoo Wrote:
(27-11-2021, 06:20 PM)Lilith7 Wrote:   I don't think that's altogether a fair comment; there was no indication of a 'cavalier disregard for the safety of children' - just a different way of seeing this.
If it was up to me, parenting classes would be compulsory in high schools, using the lifelike dolls & including basic budgeting, cooking, gardening as soon as it could be set up, & parenting classes for all new parents likewise, with classes (free) to all existing parents who want a bit of help. And for those who exhibit really dire parenting skills as well - help & support to become better parents.
Going into mask mandated areas where there are others, including children, may be in close proximity is to show a cavalier disregard for the health of those vulnerable kids. this is why we fucking well mandated it. to keep people safe. 
to consider yourself ok to go unmasked for your own selfish reasons (its hot, its hard to breath. bullshit.) is both arrogant and flippant.

not on my watch.
There are not 'mask mandated areas'...  people are required to wear masks in specific situations, and some like myself have a mandated exemption from doing so.   

You might as well add to your list of 'selfish' reasons 'will end up in hospital by the end of the day' - that is my life at the moment if i wear masks for extended periods... selfish, not from my perspective? how does that make sense for anyone?

and where the heck you get this 'cavalier disregard for the safety of children' I have no idea, I suspect your just making shit up now... Grow up...
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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