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What are you thankful for today??
I am very grateful to Flybuys and Disney plus for their $1.99 sign up promo that netted me 300 points, which translates into fifty odd New World dollars.

So that's Christmas wickedness taken care of. My only problem now is what deliciousness I should spend some of those on...
Thankful for a longish phone call from my oldest friend who's a new-ish grandmother.
And for having a dog who, it turns out is terrified by the sight of someone using two walking sticks; she's not a small dog & I saw the funny side.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Today I am thankful for...

My sweet kitty, who sleeps with me every night.

A nice late afternoon chat with a neighbour yesterday.

A very pleasant day...a slight breeze and some warm sunshine

Seeing my first hydrangea flower showing itself off in all it's beauty.

My family, here and in South Africa. I am blessed.
Thankful for the life and work of Dr Frances Kelsey.
(03-12-2021, 01:17 PM)Bracken Wrote: Thankful for the life and work of Dr Frances Kelsey.
Sounds like that is meaningful to you, bracken.
Pioneers like her, are deserving of all the gratitude that we can give them.
And OMG, she was 101 when she died. Extraordinary.

Sorry to butt in. I was interested.Smile
I am grateful for the resumption of council inorganic collections. I am inspired to get rid of all the excess technology stored in this tiny space.

Now, I just need to know how to safely kill hard disks in dead computers before I toss them on the pile.
I'm grateful for having got a bit more done in the garden - I loathe weeding & always put it off but tackled a bit today.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I have one of those vicious curved blade hoes. It devastates anything in its path...
I could do with one of those, I have one of the usual sort - but I'd probably still put it off.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I sprayed alot of weeds a week or so ago. Wouldn't mind getting some annuals in soon too.
Today I am thankful for...

A sis/friend who rang from Oz, and having a lovely long chat with her.

My family. My pride and joy.

Friends who try and ease my anxiety. Blessings.

My kitty. My little mate.

A good nights sleep.
I'm thankful that the two alarm system (the cat who runs the house & her trained minion, the dog ) allowed their human to sleep until almost getting up time, instead of an hour or more early. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Today I'm thankful for...

A lovely sunny pleasant day

My kitty. She wanted me out of bed too early this morning. I succumbed.

Friends who are willing to bend for me, when my anxiety gets in the way.

A good nights sleep.

TMMB. A nice place to hang out.

“It’s a funny thing about life, once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things that you lack.”
~Germany Kent~
Today I am thankful for...

Simple treasures that mean the world to me.

My beautiful parents, who gave me so much. I was blessed. Still am.

All the lessons that come my way. I can handle them.

My strength of mind. It makes up for the body not always working properly.

My girl kitty. She's my sweetness every day.
I am not grateful to the Auckland City Council for closing the Devonport library today without warning when I had scooted down to collect my books, buggeration. But I am grateful because it made me pop into New World instead and they had box fans going cheap so that saves me a double bus trip to the Warehouse to replace the totally useless pedestal version I bought there last year.

A little one is much more sensible in this tiny space...
These two Heart
For only one smallish hiccup in the tale of unbelievable stuff ups in getting the sodding printing done! ONE more hurdle & they'll be done...please powers of the universe Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Today I am thankful for...

Waking up.

Being alive

The girl kitty

Having bread for the birds

My meds
Today I am grateful for the tiny set of jewelers screwdrivers I acquired years ago. They let me break into the dead laptop I have in storage to remove the hard disk so I could destroy it before chucking the beast into the inorganic collection. Next challenge, the old cpu in the desktop.

And who knew those things shatter like glass and go everywhere? Next time I shall bag it first...

Learn something new every day...

(26-11-2021, 01:44 PM)crafters_corner Wrote:
(26-11-2021, 01:36 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: I think that's one of the best things about the world we live in now; that men are able to & want to, take on more of the parenting role than formerly. I think it benefits the entire family to have a proper dad rather than a distant father figure who's always away at work. Smile
Yes indeed, it's been one of the upsides to covid I think. The young couple in front of me, are having their second baby at the end of January, and the dad was saying that he's so excited. I thought 'how cool is that'. It's so lovely to hear men being so vocal about his excitement.

Our dad's were always away at work lilith. I can remember when Dad would come home from work, and it was exciting to see him. Being the only girl, I was a daddy's girl, and I am so proud to have had a Dad who was a hard worker and provided for his family.
My Dad was a similar workaholic and also impaired by ptsd from war service, so when I handed him my new born daughter he devoted himself to her from that day onward. He told me she gave him the chance to redo his parenting role as a fulltime father figure, and she benefited hugely - as did I - from that focused attention. So much so that she has named her son after him.  He really enjoyed being a grandfather...
(07-12-2021, 01:22 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Today I am grateful for the tiny set of jewelers screwdrivers I acquired years ago. They let me break into the dead laptop I have in storage to remove the hard disk so I could destroy it before chucking the beast into the inorganic collection. Next challenge, the old cpu in the desktop.

And who knew those things shatter like glass and go everywhere? Next time I shall bag it first...

Learn something new every day...

(26-11-2021, 01:44 PM)crafters_corner Wrote: Yes indeed, it's been one of the upsides to covid I think. The young couple in front of me, are having their second baby at the end of January, and the dad was saying that he's so excited. I thought 'how cool is that'. It's so lovely to hear men being so vocal about his excitement.

Our dad's were always away at work lilith. I can remember when Dad would come home from work, and it was exciting to see him. Being the only girl, I was a daddy's girl, and I am so proud to have had a Dad who was a hard worker and provided for his family.
My Dad was a similar workaholic and also impaired by ptsd from war service, so when I handed him my new born daughter he devoted himself to her from that day onward. He told me she gave him the chance to redo his parenting role as a fulltime father figure, and she benefited hugely - as did I - from that focused attention. So much so that she has named her son after him.  He really enjoyed being a grandfather...
That's one of the best things about being a grandparent; being a better grandparent than we were parents because we've learnt so much more.

I'm thankful to have had the energy to do the dreaded grocery shopping in the pissing rain earlier & to have also done the required cutting of all the printed stuff & hopefully also successfully glued the first lot to the text pages.

And, as I really fancied pumpkin soup tonight, also very thankful to have  discovered one last lonely container of it in the depths of the freezer from the last lot of soup-making & freezing - I thought I'd used it all.
And also that the book I ordered for granddaughter's birthday next week finally turned up - after two bloody months!
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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