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Ignorant moron anti-vaxxers making life harder for others
only a little unhinged? im failing then. im trying to come across as a lot unhinged.
i need to be every bit as deluded, extreme, arrogant, unpredictable and uncooperative as the anti crowd, or i will be chewed up and spat out by these animals.

you only have to look at the shithole that nzissues has become by welcoming these scumbags to see what i mean.
again, i dont care if im offensive, the more offensive the better. same with aggression. these filthy scum want to hinder traffic, flex muscle and work against the good citizens of this country will only result in an equal but opposite reaction. its ugly, but there it is.

its all i have left, science, common sense, pleading, being rational, being kind, cajoling, bribing, begging, imploring and asking nicely have not worked. its truly depressing, i cant just give up. thats not me. whats left?

these antisocial retards need to understand that there are people out there with feelings just as strong as theirs. who would do them harm before they harm us. 'do unto others' or somesuch. there must be a consequence (other than death by covid) to being a complete and utter arsehole antivaxxer.

trying to deal with these scum after your grandchild is buried doesnt work for me. they need to know up front there will be serious consequences if it happens. this shit has killed enough already without these brain dead ballsacks adding to the death toll of innocents. i wont fucking tolerate it.

and King1, no mask exemptions, none at all.
if you are so feeble and compromised as to be unable to wear a mask then you need someone else to get your groceries. do the right thing, stay away from the public.
running off to get an exemption so you can sashay around the supermarket is the height of selfishness. find another way.

i love it when i see a sign like i did in the weekend. 'masks are required in here. no exceptions, no exemptions'. (as they are well within their rights to do).
i cannot see a grey area here. its black and white. live or die.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye

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RE: Ignorant moron anti-vaxxers making life harder for others - by Magoo - 14-12-2021, 02:06 AM

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