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Thanks to you again jackford on this sunny morning. 11
Greetings and Salutations to all.
Good morning: 12°C, low overcast again, expecting 21°C.

13/15 - thank you, jackford.
12 this morning, and the day is looking good on the Shore.

Coolish again this morning, but once the sun breaks out, it'll be another beauty. A bit like yesterday.

Thank you jack.


Greetings for Wednesday, with 14°C Areas of morning cloud, then fine. Smile
Q9, really enjoyed said movie
Good morning and thank you to jackford
Good morning: 14°C, overcast, possible drizzle later. Whoop.

11/15 - thank you, jackford.
9 for me...

Beautiful and sunny here in the Waipa.

Thank you jack


Good morning everyone from a sunny day in the BOP.
Thank you jackman. 10.
Buongiorno Smile 14°C, overcast, may drizzle, expecting late afternoon sun.

13/15 - thank you, jackford.
12 today, brilliant sun, and - drum roll please - I am off to the library for the first time in twelve weeks!

A beautiful day here in Waipa District

Thank you jack. You're a star for doing this every day.


With 17°, Humidty @ 89° gonna be another warm steamy day
Salutations to you all  Smile

Friday trivia, in relation to  Q13, qualified twice for the show, never invited to appear
10 this morning in a cooler jaffatown.
Good morning.
Thank you jackford. 9
Good morning; 16.8°C, some high cloud; roses, peonies, columbines and foxgloves in bloom in the garden.

10/15 ~ thank you, jackford.
Thanks jack

Cooler this morning, but hopefully once the cloud burns off, it will be a beautiful day.


19°C light rain, showers, Humidity @ 94°
M Smilerning All