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Only 6 today, but I did get 8/10 in the Newsroom quiz, with which I am usually dismal and get a snarky comment at the end.
10 today, lucky guesses
8 today. I disagree with their answer to the number of notes in a scale.
I started doing it, then realised why some questions were familiar - its yesterdays! And I STILL got the same ones wrong. Smile

Todays morning quiz

9 today

8 this morning, and the weather forecast hasn't changed, dammit.
10 this morning.
8 again.
10 again.
11 today
And 9 for me this morning
8 again
9 with many guesses
A dismal 6 - would have been 7 if I hadn't hit the wrong button.
Goodmooning all...

8 for me, along with the last two crumpets.
A mortifying 5 today.
8 yet again.